New tradition of Nautrēnu in secondary school – button evening



In February, our 9 th class decided to introduce a new tradition – a button evening – when school graduates and tokeners took place in the 12 th classes.
At the evening of 15 February, THE Nautrēnu High School was very busy – the parents and grandparents of the 9 th class students, brothers and sisters, teachers and visitors. At first it was a sort of ignorance: what was the event that would happen? The 9 th class students were expected to have a little surprise at the door, allowing each one of k/f's “Laima” sweets to hide some wish. In the first part of the evening, nine Class 9 pupils traveled in their performances with THE fairy tale of THE Donna fairy tale and devoted the words of gratitude to all the present. The evening motto was “Deriet and do!” and the guide: to be part of, find and do what you are. Consequently, the first part ended with the affiliation of the sign of affiliation to each pupil who had been guarded by Valentine of the class nurse, as well as the transfer of the big button to Director Anita Ludborgai.
Then there was a half-hour-long button on the second part of the evening, where the pupils with humor tried to show what they had been and what had been done in the school's life. Pupils emphasized that their class at school stands out with attractiveness, humor, originality and their own class traditions, as a two-day Hiking in the summer and a joint night night at school. With the tears of joy and excitement, the parents watched the children's work on the stage, and one another could not believe that they were their “small” - people who had grown up without 5 minutes. Four fun dances were danced, a Postim event with parents' faces, a sketch about future professions. We looked at the humoristic presentations and the video for the time spent together. What a convincing activist and, above all, the friendliness of the class, the unity and the favourable humoristic atmosphere during the performance!
The nail of the evening was an amazing parent's performances, feeling the image of his children and rendering an hour of history. The pupils and the attendants took their parents' performances with excitement. Thank your parents for positivism, daring, understanding, support, and rusty feast! The button evening was a warm and positive emotion. Everyone was pleased – pupils and classmates of their work, parents, teachers and guests – about what they heard, seen and felt. THE 9 th class of THE Nautrēnu High School invites the surrounding school in Class 9 abiturients to join their collective in order to separate a new page in a common class book in September.
P.S. if you want to enjoy the fun, you'll be sure to invite our class - we'll be happy to show a second part of the evening.
Nautrēnu High-school class 9 collective and Valentine Turlaya
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