Ozolaines seniori darina parish for centenary juveniles



At the end of 2017, a beautiful and sincere idea emerged from THE “fire” of THE 1 TP50T People's House, to create newborn blankets for their hands, given by the country's 100-yes anniversary year in 2018 AT Ozolaines parish babies. At the end of last year, work on newborn blankets began, part of the work to be seen in the weekly meetings of the Senior Club, but most of the work continued at home. Now, in spring 2018, a small towel is folded, waiting for their babies. The blankets have also received a beautiful presentation of gifts, with the idea that this gift is not only a blanket but also a beautiful memorial from the time of birth of a child, from the 100-year of the country and from THE parish OF Ozolaines. The chuckle handmen - Sylvia Mežore, albino Šhohtovich and Eleanor Prokofyeva inspire from every work done, enthusiasm full of the next blanket colours and articles and are prepared to create new, beautiful works, wishing that a large number of small ozoos are coming in the world of THE 100-year-old of THE Ozolaines.
Draw attention to the fact that the blankets are located IN Ozolaines parish administration and will be given to families who will come to register their baby directly IN Ozolaines parish administration.
Rezekne District Municipalities
Head of the Ozolaine People's House
Santa Ostaša
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