On the training of soldiers IN THE territory OF Lūznavas and Ozolaines parish

According to the National Guard 3. Latgale Brigades 36. Battle support battalion battles are supported by the 2018 training plan from 7 to 9 August and from 14 to 16 August are provided for the training of soldiers of the battle support team 2. in the field tactical skills IN THE territory OF Lūznavas and Ozolaines parish.
For learning purposes, THE parish area OF Lūznavas and Ozolaines will be used during the above-mentioned dates. 09.00-17.00 in each of the training days.
The training will involve 45 battles supported by soldiers and military equipment. No ammunition and simulation features will be used in the training area.
Responsible for training:
National Guard 3. Latgale Brigades 36. Lieutenant Alexander Oļipov, Commander of the battle support of the battalion of the Battle of Battle, is supported by Lieutenant Alexander Oļipov,
mob. 28306028.

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