On polling stations in the European Parliament elections

On 25 May 2019, elections to the European Parliament will be held in Latvia. In accordance with the law of the electoral register, electoral records shall be used in these elections by the electoral register and the lists of pre-established polling voters. Voters on election day, 25 May, must vote in a compartment that is included in the list.
The European Parliament's polling station can be found online in the Office for Citizenship and Migration Affairs “clearing the polling station”, service available www.pmlp.gov.lv in the “Services/E-services/elections” section, or through the Central Election Commission reference phone 67049999 working days from 8.00 to 20.00 On 24 and 25 May, the phone will operate at 7.00 to 24.00
Similarly, in the previous voting days of the European Parliament elections - 22, 23 and 24 May - the opportunity for voters to vote in another polling station will be implemented for the first time, if there is a possibility of providing online data exchange between the electoral district and the district where the voter will vote. This is an additional voting option which can be used by those electors who will not be able to vote in their polling station for some reason. When voting in another compartment, the voter must plan a longer period of time to be spent in the compartment, as the polling station will contact the station on which the voter is listed and make a change of the compartment to ensure that each voter has only one vote.

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