Awarded the awards for the greatest teachers in Latgale
By the end of September of the fifth year, Latgale's best teachers are honoured, giving Nicodema Ranana a prize. This day has become a teacher of Latgale, waiting for the professional festival of teachers, the day of international teachers. This year, the final event of the competition was held at the Rēzekne Technology Academy on 22 September.
The aim of the competition is to strengthen the prestige and visibility of the pedagogical profession in society, honouring outstanding achievements in pedagogical activity, the development of Latvian and Latgalian cultural traditions in the new generation. This year, there were 32 teachers from various Latgale educational institutions in five nominations.
Nikodema Ranana Prize on the promotion and implementation of the Latvian language, cultural history and municipality training in a study or study environment this year was the head of Daugavpils unit's primary school music teacher and children folklore group “Signite” Lucia Vaivode. This prize is regarded by Lucia Vaivode as an appreciation and encouragement for the revitalisation of Latgalian culture in Daugavpils, which was initiated by her pedagogy, the excellent Cordirigent Teresis Broka.
Recognition of contributions and achievements in the implementation of the Latvian language, cultural history and municipality training in the school educational environment received:
- Wellga Smobka, Rugar municipality, secondary school
- Irene Maļkevich, Dagda High School
- Iveta Vasitova, J.Riņa Daugavpils 6 th High School
- Ingoon Ludborge, Nautrēnu High School
- Rita Pudane and Aria Bergmane-Sprudzs (both from Riebinu High School)
On innovation in education the award was received by two teachers – Daugavpils Construction Technical Director Inara Ostrovska and co-ordinator of Latvian language, literature and economics teacher, nurse, EP embassy school and youth project coordinator, leader of the project “be leader” Maruta Krustne.
The recognition in this nomination received:
- Aigars Buksh, Baltinava Museum of Music and Art. He also received the “A12” special award – annual subscription
- Benita Lazdina, Rēzekne primary school
- Inese Kuzncova, the Dagda municipality, is a primary school in Alexandrova.
- Inese Magdalenoka, Lephen High School 1
- Iveta Carter, Livani municipality, Rwanda High School
- Anita Clismete, Rēzekne municipality, Kaunatas secondary school
- Maruta Ladusane, Viļānu High School
- Ruth Krišāne, Nautrēnu High School
In nomination On a modern and creative approach to education and training of pupils two teachers, Ludza J. Soikan Art School of Nautrēnu, were also honoured May Gailuma and Caroline musical and art school eagle games and piano pedagogy and concert masters Guna Kice.
The recognition received:
- Aigars Vigulis, Dagda High School
- League Slica, Livans District School of New Silava
- Ingrida Kroice, Aglona District School
- Arnolds Greenberts, 13 th secondary school of Daugavpils
In nomination On a successful teacher Debbie (teachers whose length of service does not exceed three years) were only selected by two teachers this year, so that the award for the award was not awarded, but the award was received by the participants in the competition. Martin Dzindzuks (Viļānu music and art school) and Christine Razane (Dagda city pre-school educational institution “sun”).
Special prize On the creation and strengthening of the Latgalian environment and the preservation and strengthening of Latgalian values in pre-school educational institutions a pre-school educational institution “Peacekead” for sports teacher was presented Zinaide Bernette.
Recognition of the creation and strengthening of the Latgalian environment and the preservation and strengthening of Latgalic values in pre-school educational institutions received:
- Irina Vasilevska, Andrupenes pre-school educational institution “Avotins”
- Ilona Znuina, 24 th pre-school educational institution of Daugavpils City
The Latgalian cultural association (LKB), the competition is organised in collaboration with the Rēzekne Technology Academy (RTA) and Latgale municipalities. For the first time in the competition, the Council of Latgale Planning Region Development, whose president, Gunārs Upenieks, thanked Latgale teachers warmly: “for your work to be assessed throughout your life!”
The prize – the traditional rotate Riharda Cibl's made silver root – was invited by the Ministry of Education and Science for a long period of time in Shuplinska, the rector of the Rēzekne Technology Academy, Iveta Mietule, the Latgalian cultural association Livija Plavinska and Anna Rancāne, Chairman of the Latgale Planning Region Development Council Gunārs Upenieks.
The nominations and winners were welcomed by the Ministry of Education and Science in Suplinska, the author of the competition idea and a long-standing organizer, emphasising that Nicodema Ranana's prize was not a one-off prize for a life contribution, teachers can be rewarded for it because it is a prize for systematic work and development. The Minister expressed pleasure and satisfaction that the prize was once again presented at THE RTA hall, a building that still holds the aura of Nicodema Ranana and his students. “He was not afraid of reforms, but he was the bearer of these reforms, without waiting for a special order. Teachers who don't wait for an order but do what they do. 'I. The stitch gave a number of special thanks TO several nominators. They received:
- Anita Matule-Bordāne (professional and general secondary school)
- Aiga Hudobchenoka, Daugavpils State Gymnasium
- Iveta Meškovska, Daugavpils 12 th High School
- Stanislava Inkina, Rēzekne municipality, Kaunatas secondary school
- Rita Upeniece, Riebinu District School of Galen
At the end of the competition, Eric Zeps was attractively guided by Eric Zeps, while in the final with songs and news, the participants of the evening were delighted by the songwriter Carl Kazaks, wishing that the teachers succeed in keeping the festival in themselves, even if they had received only gratitude and not prizes at this time, as it is also the opinion that they were cool! “It's not easy for teachers, they have a lot to compete with, they don't have 20 million views.”
You can also watch a more sophisticated presentation and a video clip of all events on the Internet:
For the first time, Nicodema Ranana's prize was presented five years ago at the Rēzekne Technology Academy (then at Rezekne High School), the second final of the competition took place in Ludza, third in Viļānos, fourth in Preilos.
Anna Rancāne
Photo: Maris Justs