Apply for e-skills weekly seminars for entrepreneurs on a face-to-face or online basis!



A number of interesting events and seminars will be held in 2017, both on-site and online. March 30 is the Thematic Day of E-skills – digital skills for entrepreneurs. We invite entrepreneurs to actively participate in the E-Skills Week and attend seminars! You can still log in and sign up for them! Provide information on e-skills weekly seminars for entrepreneurs.

Digital workshop of the project “Small and micro-enterprise training for innovation and digital technology development in Latvia”

March 30, at 11:00 - 13:00
Live from the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development (VARAM), float street 25

The following topics will be considered in the workshop:

  • Learning opportunities for small, micro-enterprises and self-employed workers receiving State aid for learning courses.
  • How to create a web-based website, select the most appropriate solution for business needs – order development for programmers or use cloud solutions, and provide appropriate display of information to different devices – computers, tablets, and mobile phones.
  • How much are we currently using in our daily cloud services and how to analyze our business results with one of the most powerful data analysis tools in Power BI.

A masterclass will tell you about the principles of Power BI activity: connecting to data, processing data, analyzing, and visualizing up-to-date data in a numerical or charted form in the Power BI environment.
Registered for seminar here

Project mMU digital workshop in Jelgava

March 28, at 10:00 - 12:00
Zemgale Region Competency Development Centre small conference hall, 1 st floor, Svetes Street 33, Jelgava

The next five years are forecasted as the years of the digital economy, and for most Latvian companies they will be crucial – those who will use technology support in their business will be at the forefront, leaving behind their competitors, which will continue to operate the same way as so far. We'll tell you about the following topics in this workshop:

  • Learning opportunities for small, micro-enterprises and self-employed, receiving State aid for learning courses.
  • Home page - Enterprise representation. How do i create a company website in 40 minutes?
  • How to analyze your business results with one of the most powerful data analytics tools in Power BI. If you need up-to-date information about your customers, your product or service turnover, transactions, orders, or purchases, for items in a warehouse, for your company's cash flows, create and organize it in the Power BI environment.

A masterclass will tell you about the principles of Power BI activity: connecting to data, processing data, analyzing, and visualizing up-to-date data in a numerical or charted form in the Power BI environment.
Information and login to e-mail:

The masterpiece “moment before kick.” Digital security basics for company manager

March 30, at 14:00 - 16:00
Live from the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development (VARAM), float street 25

Digitally safe habits and secure devices and connections are the cornerstones of digital security, but the whole is based on a man-his knowledge, skills and actions. Nowadays, it is much easier for hakers to attack employees' ignorance and neglect rather than invest in their own resources. Consequently, the most frequent causes of attacks are the employees themselves and their negligence and the delimitation of entrepreneurs from the company's digital security issues, leaving it TO managers. What does a modern business manager need to know that he does not endanger his company's data, money and reputation?
The masterclass will tell you about safe devices, profiles and connections, backup copies, social media, and how fraudsters can use them to access company data.
Information: marta.krivade
Registered for seminar: here.

Online tests for entrepreneurs within the framework of the project “Small and micro-enterprise training innovation and digital technologies in Latvia”

ESkip Week from 27 March to 2 April it is possible for any interested party to perform 3 self-evaluation tests, which are usually performed by the participants of THE EU project “Small and micro-enterprises training for innovation and digital technology development in Latvia” ( – small and micro-enterprises.

  1. “Secure Collaboration Technologies”

Assess their knowledge in safe cooperation technologies. These are technologies that help store data outside of company servers, thereby reducing the costs that would be necessary for the maintenance of the data.
After the test, you will be able to assess the results obtained and assess what knowledge and skills you need to supplement. Each participant will receive information about the result after the test, and will be able to share this test in its social portals Facebook, Twitter and Google plus.
Start Test

  1. “Multimedia tools for enterprise representation”

Using an online tool and evaluating your knowledge of multimedia tools and how they can be used for representation. These are tools that help you prepare visual information about your products and services, thereby offering you the opportunity to advertise more interactively on your website and social networks.
Each participant will receive information about the result after the test is completed.
Start Test

  1. “ICT security and the protection of personal data”

Assess their knowledge in the security of information and communication technologies and the protection of personal data. A very important aspect of the diversity of daily Internet accessibility is to ensure that the information that is provided is protected as much as possible and that the situations of abuse are avoided. Therefore, it is important for every Internet user to know the requirements that should be met to protect your personal and business information.
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