Implemented youth non-formal training project “Interest Youth - Active Youth”


For young people

On the first day, young people had to carry out team hunting tasks and had the opportunity to attend a seminar on self-defense techniques, as well as visit a guest house in THE “Health Island” Lūznavas parish, where young people learned what Fresh was.
On the second day, young people went to see THE parish OF Gaigalavas, visited the Turumnieki Swamp trail, breathed the fresh air of the forest, ate mellenes and actively sported the water tourism development centre “lighthouse”, as well as swimming in Lake Luban and prepared a healthy meal on the fire.
On the third day, young people went to “raibo foal hills” AT Kaunatas parish in Slaakotos, where each young man had the chance to ride a horse and later visited the large flame mountain where he climbed into the highest wooden view tower in Latvia (34 m). More young people were provided with information on their first aid and games of enthusiasm.
On the fourth day, young people were very creative for the first part of the day. In the “cactus-creative workshop” at the youth centre “hive”, they each made their interior decoration, and then went to the Podnieks Evald Vasilevsky's workshop where the rabbit or cup was formed from the clay. The second part of the day was accompanied by young people in a fresh air at Lake Razna with active games and interesting tasks and accommodation in tents.
On the fifth day, there was an informal training in which young people had the opportunity to share their feelings and assess the experience.
Thanks to the municipality of Rezekne for the administration of the local government for the allocation of funding.
Young people are pleased and happy about their new knowledge, experience and useful time.
Santa Cairiah,
project Coordinator
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