Rezekne's 2015 championship at the table tennis



On 24 January that year, a championship was held at the table tennis. 20 men and 5 women from Rezekne municipality and Rezekne City took part in these competitions. The latest competitor, Dennis Vasilyev, is only 11 years old, and the older, Andrey Reshetneikov, 68. It happened that these athletes met in a fight for a third place. Andrejs Rešetneikov's experience and masterness proved to be superior to the less experienced but strongly advanced Latvian champion in the cadet group, Dennis Vasilyev. Bruno Losan became the lead champion, and Alexei Vasilyev won the second place.
In the women's competition, their superiority was shown by the Cunatess Liana Zelina, who fought the title of the champion. It should be noted that Liana won the bronze medal at the 2014 Latvian Youth Championship. Valentin Balshevica won second place, and third place Alaon Kopilov.
Three best-selling tennis officers were awarded: Juris Zeltins, Ivars igaunis and Dainis Chudars.
Bruno Losan
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