Rezekne's head of educational institutions in seminar talks about current events



At the beginning of the new work, on 28 August, the municipality of Rēzekne, the municipality of Rezekne, gathered the directors of the educational institutions. In addressing the participants of the event, the head of the educational administration, Guntars ants, said that the summer had run away, and the teachers would be able to commence their work in a relaxed and smiling manner.
The President OF the Rēzekne District Council, Monvīds Švarcs, said that the whole country, like the education system, is constantly changing: “we must all be able to adapt, change, and start this process from ourselves. Our pupils must also learn not to fear change, but to understand the problems and to address them, try to encourage children to encourage challenges, ask questions. Our students don't have school rating tops, but teachers are working with each child. '
The event was honoured by educators who had retired this year – Bērzgales pre-school education institution (PII) manager Olga Jurchenko, who managed it for more than 40 years, as well as teachers who celebrated the anniversary of the anniversary - Silmalas PII leader Yelena Treikule.
The teachers of the portal had arrived at the of the portal, who spoke to the teachers of Rezekne's municipality of activity in the implementation of digital skills and pupils regarding the solving of tasks in electronic form. It turns out that the Rezekne municipality has solved more than 250 thousand jobs during the spent school year! The most active three schools - Maltas, Tiskad and Nautrēnu secondary schools, received a portal thanks. Similarly, teachers who actively use portal opportunities in homework electronically – Ilona Dovidenkova, Gaigalavas primary school teacher Inara Uzula and Maltas secondary school teacher were welcomed. “Imagine how much planet resource - paper was saved”, said the portal's representative Normunds hesitate.
Diana Selecka Text and Photo

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