The municipality of Rezekne has been implementing the European Social Fund (ESF) project buds for a second year – for reducing early school leavers



In the 2014-2019 school year, the European Social Fund (ESF) project buds – for reducing early school leavers – included five schools of Rezekne municipality – Dricānu secondary school, Nautrēnu secondary school, Kaunatas secondary school, Tiskad High School and Verham primary school, total 86 students from classes 5 to 12 and 50 teachers. The project involves schools with pupils who are at risk of aborting lessons. According to the identified risks for each of these pupils, the educator shall form an individual support plan for one semester, which may be revised as necessary and continue to work with the pupil in the next semester. Most often schools use the opportunity to provide additional individual advice in different subjects. One of the pupils has the opportunity to learn from previous years, while others needed an individual approach to explaining the content of the study. In the most common support plans, students were given the opportunity to receive additional individual consultations in subjects such as mathematics, Latvian language and English.
The second type of support used in the school project “budpurs” is a support compensation for the pupils who need it.
In the course of the 2010-202020 school year, the support required under the project “budpurs” will be eligible for students from the 5 th to 12 th grade in the five general educational schools of Rezekne - Maltas in secondary school, the position of Lucia Rananes McKashan in secondary school, Gaigalavas in elementary school, primary school of Rezna and Feimaņu in primary school.
More on the project “Support for reducing early school leaving” can be found
Co-ordinator of the “budpurs” project
Lilija Šodnaka
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