Rogovic youth activities in summer


For young people

One of the summer plans of Rogovka's youth centre was to visit Nautrēnu parish in lonely pensioners, which we also implemented. In mid-August, young people went on a trip to the lonely pensioners. With my arrival, we wanted to comfort them and make them smile. If someone needed help in the house, we'd be willing to help.

The pensioners, of course, were very happy about our arrival and the fact that there was someone who remembered them. We also had the same rusty honey. We have a real joy that we can enjoy and help our parish pensioners.

On 28 and 29 August, a dance seminar was held in Rogovka, where young people had the opportunity to participate in dance classes and to learn different dance styles. On 28 August, Break Dance danced the dance lessons led by Dainis Ushkanan, as well as the burnt dances led by Inese Krasovska. Meanwhile, on August 29, there was an opportunity to learn hip-hop and contemporary dances led by Liana Mernac, who also served in the Stop Time dance studio. As young people are actively dancing and always interested in getting something new, such a event takes place in Rogovka for the second consecutive year. For young people, this was a great dance adventure before the start of the school season.

Nautrēnu parish youth affairs specialist Dina Sukkane

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