Autumn flower exhibition Rikava



In the autumn of autumn, THE cultural house OF THE parish OF Rikavas gave its visitors an autumn flower exhibition, in which many and different flowers could be viewed. The autumn color varied already in the premises of the cultural house. Astonishers, squares, redbeams, thyroses, sunflowers, Cinia, and various unusual flowers filled the room with their scent and magnificence. But over everything, the autumn flower Queen, the dallies. A total of 23 different Dallie varieties grown in Rikava could be seen at the exhibition. The dallies are very beautiful and gorgeous in their diversity, they offer very wide variations of variation, not only in color but also in size.
Anyone wanted to participate in the exhibition, bringing the orificent flowers of his garden.
Thank anyone who brought flowers to the exhibition. The flowers have died, the exhibition is over, but the joy is left in the heart.
We'll enjoy a nice autumn and be happy about what sings in our gardens.
Inese velvet,
Rikavas Cultural House Head
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