“Vosorushona-2017” in Rogovka



Skoluotuoj, inviting you for the Epazeit sov Latgola i refreshust beat the garlic of the long dorba, enumerate the školuotuoju vosoryo vosorys courses at Rogovka in Rogovka on August 16 th.
We call on the chaluotuoes that gryb vuiceit voi already vuica nuvodvuiceib, nustyprynuot latgali rokstu voludys skill, and paezee some of the vicious vuiceib leisecules that have been wound up, methodically, divide the beach, meet the smoke-muffled i vyspuor lovely cyllides, splitter Spr for a new dorba village.
An ituous otkon course at the golvonuo Tema – the Nuvodvuiceib School. In vuiceisimes, the Latgale rokste voluminous, Epazeisim vuiceib material, will meet with pazeistamim cylvakim – culturys. In the Nudarbeibuos Epazeisim, the pronounciation of the muscles in the smoked dorbuosimes. We'll call you a healthy eveiything to smoke the lobby.
The end of the course will be eaten.
Puzzky sov leukaleib, dyspylmitt i syutut dasaceisonys questionnaire iz - lvlksa@inbox.lv
The speeds are expected to be levied on 7 August. Daleibys Mox EUR 15.00.
Moxsuot with a half-meter. Properties:
LVLK Association Foundation
Right_now. No 50008056771
Swedbank Bank, Account Nr.LV 53HABA0551025080062
The Dalinyx is accompanied by a puzzlement sajimšonys atsyuteisim seikuoku information.
Veronica Dundure,
nudybynuojuma “Latgale voludys, literaturys i kulturys viesturis scholuotuoju associate”
Fortress questionnaire

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