“Slaughter voucher” in Feyouts



It is again autumn when the leaf gold is covered by the land and the drunken stalks fly to the distant lands, and THE amateur theatre of THE Feimaņu cultural house, “savours”, begins to dig up and invite the theatre friends to the event “Smyklu vattorite”, which takes place for a third year.
On October 20, an amateur theatre of the Varakalans Cultural House with the single “news service” (director Daiga Ceipsce), THE dramatic set of Nautrēnu parish “Decteri” with a fun sketch “kai napalikt for buobu” (manager Erika Bozovich) and Ilūkstes municipality's amateur “Nebcats” with exhibition “precību” (manager Virginia Fiodorova). The event also took place IN Feimaņu amateur attitudes of the amateur theatre, reading and showing Nikshan's witty fabulations.
For two hours, the viewers enjoyed different and interesting collective behaviors. There was laughter, applause, and the spectators were smiling at different curiosity in performances. Everything as a life.
There is a saying that laughter, smiles – they don't pay anything, but do so much, take one moment, but the memories of it can survive all their lives. It is a reflection of the tired, hopeful beam of the despair, the warmth of the sun in the sadness. I can't borrow or steal a smile because it's a wealth that won't benefit anyone unless it's given a clean heart. So little is a smile! Let's smile, laugh more often in life.
Let the laughter give your life a spark,
A light daily and festive way!
Inara Reinica,
Feimaņu Cultural House amateur “own” manager
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