Sports - dancing marathon Audriņu at primary school



In school, as well as in any other collective, people with different interests, wishes, characteristics can live. One of the most important objectives is to find something common, combining.

Therefore, in February of the current Audriņu primary school pupils, a reply to an important question was sought: how to organize a school event that would be fun, sporting, musical, but at the same time salinating, suitable for both the school “juveniles” – pre-chers and the school's “guys” – ninth grade pupils. The discussions were long. Finally, the sixth grade student, Vitaly Bražat, found a great solution to the problem – to run a sports-dancing marathon at school.

February 19 became Audriņu in elementary school for a real event. Pupils, teachers gathered in the school hall to popular today Flash mob (English: Flash mob is a group of people who suddenly meet together in a public place, a short period of time performs an unusual activity and then quickly disperses. - stock “sports – dancing marathon”.

Each class, together with the class nurse, prepared a sports exercise in a complex of music, demonstrating it to the people who imitated the movements.

Music, sports, fun mood dominated the event. Let's hope that the promotion will continue and, next month, we'll meet again in the school hall to dance, pause, laugh and drive out the gloomy thoughts and spring depression.

Member of the Student Authority (responsible for sporting events)
Vitalijs Bražat

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