International Erasmus + project AT Nautrēnu secondary school



From 19 to 24 April, AN international Erasmus + project conference was held AT Nautrēnu High School. The conference activities included students and teachers from eight countries: Latvia, Germany, Romania, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Italy, Poland and Croatia.

On the first day we presented our school, the content of its learning, history and education of pupils' interests, and enjoyed visitor presentations about their countries and schools. Almost all participants in the project were in Latvia for the first time, so they were interested in local pupils – guides stories and actively participated in various workshops, presenting our culture and language. In the evening there was an orientation activity in Rogovka and its surroundings.

As the theme of the project is the research of cycling and the research of cycling business opportunities, on Tuesday our school pupils offered guests to try their bicycle, including stops with different outdoor activities. Around 22 cyclists took an 11 km long route around Rogovka and Lake Gailums in two groups.

We went on Wednesday to go to the city's towns around the small Ludza Lake and the city centre. The participants of the project met the history of Latvia's oldest city, visiting the county research museum, the artisanal centre and the resting places offered by cycling.

On Thursday, by concluding the practical tasks, we went and Kaunat, where we enjoyed Razna Lake and Mākoņkalna stories. But on Friday, at the end of the project week, we met the Museum of Saulkrasti, as well as in the guide of the Guida, we went to the centre of Riga and walked out to the Old Riga's most beautiful places.

At night, the pupils were working at Rogovka's youth centre, sang together, dancing, guiding their national toy lessons and familiar with our traditions.

At the end of the project, we achieved a high rating on the work content and organisation criteria. However, the main benefit of the project is and remains, the development of cooperation skills, new friends and a well-made sense of work. The project will continue and we'll meet in Romania after summer, in the city of Kavnica in October of that year!

Project Content Coordinator Nelly Zogota

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