“Working with children is a chance to return to childhood,” says Nathalie Briksina, teacher OF Silmalas PII



“I want my little kindergartens to learn respect for the environment, respect for the environment and the place they come from. In order for a couple of years to go to school, they would go with an inexhaustible desire to learn, learn and understand the broad world,“ the teacher of the “chicken” group, Nathalie Briksin, from Rezekne Municipality, is a pre-school educational institution of Silmalas parish. Nathalie is one of the 15 new teachers who added to the Rēzekne municipality in the autumn.

The dream of becoming a teacher in Nathalie had been since childhood. “If someone asked or hoped to write about his dream profession, i always said i'd be a teacher, and just in the early school stage, the best i like working with little kids.”

Although her teacher Nathalie Briksin was working for the first year, she was not alien to THE 1 TP54T pre-school educational institution before, for three years she was working in a kindergarten canteen, where Nathalie's job responsibilities included arranging the documentation, ordering the products and drawing up a meal plan. The gardens in the canteen walk at Nathalie's morning hours, while in the afternoon she works as a teacher with 14 the smallest – one and a half to three-year-old – the garden for children.

At the moment, Nathalie's daily life is very saturated because of the work OF Silmalas in the pre-school educational institution, she is able to connect with studios in the Rezekne Higher School programme “elementary education teacher”. “Since i entered the university, i have started to understand the concept of“ education ”, as well as the deeper knowledge of children's development processes. Since, for the time being, we have more theories at the university, i am very lucky that all the knowledge accumulated during the course of the studies can immediately be tested in practice while working in kindergartens. '

Nathalie says that the first month in the teacher's work was like an adaptation: “children come to me, i'm friends with them, i met parents.” I worked with children every afternoon. Although the little after the active day of the day, the evening is a little tired and the attention of their attention is a great challenge, we can find a common language. At this early age, they have to work much – drawing letters and painting our fingers, learning to speak Latvian and Russian, as well as performing a variety of tasks. ”

The new teacher says that her students are very different, but they are all shared by a common feature, loving the same thing. “Working with little, i've discovered that i can experience childhood every day,” Nathalie says. “It's fantastic!” We, adults, often forget these simple truths that you need to love, enjoy life, evaluate everyday things – children can recall it, so i love spending time with them and learn not to lose the taste of childhood. ”

Nathalie Brixin is a dawn. Born and up to class 10, she studied in the capital, so moving to the small parish OF Silmalas at 25 kilometres from Rēzekne at the beginning of the Rēzekne was anxious – whether he would be enriched in the countryside or not bored and, above all, whether there would be a job. “You never say anything about me, because i had ever said i could never live in a village with a couple of hundreds of people, but love does.” “Natalia met Andrew, married and soon her first daughter, Valerie.” “He said he didn't like the big city spell, so we decided to move to Andrew's native Silmalas parish.”

While Valerie was a mask, Nathalie lived home and raised her daughter. When her daughter grew up, Nathalie started to work ON Silmalas in the dining-house, after a short time in her family, her son Timurs was born. When the boy was big enough to leave her in her grandmother Yelena's hands, Nathalie decided she was ready to go to university. The great support is also the man Andrejs, who has encouraged her to take lessons and look at children for a moment. “It coincided with the fact that, at the same time as the university, THE Director of THE Silmalas pre-school education institution, Yelena, gave me a job as a teacher and arranged a working schedule so that i can connect both studies and work in the school canteen. Perhaps if i lived in a large city, my susceptibility and working will might not be noticed so quickly, and among dozens of other young teachers would not be able to prove themselves – i thought it was a huge benefit for living in a small village,” says the young teacher.

This year, ten years since the family home is called Silmalas parish Gornica village, and Nathalie says that she can no longer imagine her life differently. “In the summer, when i was in Riga, i knew that i wouldn't want to be back in that spell.” It's also important for me that children like it, they're safer, there's fresh air. “Of course you can go to see the relatives, but live and work here.”

Madara Laksa,
Public relations specialist of the municipality of Rezekne

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