It was celebrated in Rikava.



In order to remind about the Latvian anniversary festival, IN Rikavas parish every year is held by the Progregation event – with games, different relay and other funny performances.
In Latvia, in many places, Meteņi – ancient Latvian spring festival celebrations, which usually take place seven weeks before Easter. In Latgale, the Metea celebration is called Aizgaret and is fun to go to the villages, the bunches, the ragwriters, the mystery. The most of these events are waiting for children.
A fire was burned, representing the beginning of the new year and the hope of harvest. There was a traditional straw-doll burning, toy, sporting activity, rope towing competition, and, of course, a hot tea and warm pancakes, round like a sun!
The event visitors spent time in fresh air with their family and friends.
Inese velvet,
Rikavas Cultural House Head
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