Meeting with future pre-grades



Sakstagala Job Kate's primary school on tradition has called for the next pre-school parents and their offspring to attend school and meet the class nurse before school starts.
11 children and their parents had arrived at this meeting. The school director Sylvia Freiberga invited the next pre-graders to introduce themselves, then they took all the excursions through the school, telling them what in addition to the crowds, the children would be able to attend and introduce the class nurse Rasma Puduli. The nurse told her about herself and her work. The students and teachers of classes 1-4 had made a small concert. They sang, danced and went into a common toy with little ones. In the school canteen, the visitors were fired with the pie.
We are very glad that our school will come to such an active, attractive and courageous primary school, and we will find new talents in collaboration with our parents! We look forward to meeting on 1 September!
Rasma Pudule,
primary school teacher
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