High school students continue to work in the European Union ERASMUS + project “zwischen den Kulturen” in Turkey



During the period from 24 April to 30 April 2019, the European Union Erasmus + Programme Operational No. 2 (KA2), within the framework of the school exchange partnership project No 2018-1RO01-KA229-049091_2 'ZWISCHEN DEN KULTUREN', took place at the meeting of the second co-operation partners in Turkey, involving pupils and teachers from the national college “Garabet Ibraileanu” in Romania, the secondary school “Yavuz Sultan Selim Fen Lisesi” in Şereflikoçhisar, Ankara in Turkey and the Rezekne municipality in Latvia. A teacher Olga Misevič and Yelena Bažanova, the pupils Valerija Tenasheva, Irina Krasutina, Inese Plaunova, were involved in the implementation of the activities of the Tiskada High School project. The aim of the project programme was to improve the knowledge of German language, communicate and collaborate skills, improve information technology skills, create presentations and videos, promote the development of social competences, promote the integration of young people.
During the implementation of the programme, all participants in the project shared experience, demonstrated good practice, learned new learning methods, improved the knowledge of the German language, shared information on educational systems and educational developments, organised joint activities promoting team collaboration skills and strengthening the team's spirit, carrying out training hours for hospitalisation. The activities of the project programme covered various areas: languages, information and communication technologies, history, geography, religion, ethics, sports, theatre art. During the performance of the project work plan, the following activities took place: the specific topics of adolescents such as “teenage traps”, “friendship”, the presentation of “UNESCO travel targets in my country”, “mystery and gesture significance for different nationalities”, German-speaking countries, reading of Eastern literature texts “Aladina magic lamp”, “Alibaba and 40 robbers” etc. and, on the basis of texts, a competition for pupils “guess the character!”. The Turkish school pupils played a national shadow doll theatre “Hacivat and Karagöz”. After watching the video, “my best friend” was an artistic moment – the coloured press on the wall. The cultural programme of the Member States of the project “dance as a form of intercultural interaction” was held, painting in Ebra technique - an unusual form of painting when the colour is floated on the surface of a specially prepared water, creating articles and drawings that can be carried on paper or fabric. The history of this technique began in the 13 th century and today the Ebra art is listed ON THE UNESCO heritage list. Attention was also paid to team-making activities and was organised in sports competitions in volleyball and badminton. The activities of the dossier focused on sites such as: Konya (conya), where the archaeological site of Ҫ (Catalhöyük) was visited, Sv. The Church of Helen, the Museum of Mevlana (Mevlana), watched a dervisive dance closely related to Turkish religion, history, customs and culture (subject: “UNESCO travel purpose”). In the Turkish capital Ankara met the ancient city, visited Ankara Citadel and the fortress tower, the subject: “historical sites in Asian metropolitan: the host of the host country — Mustafa Kemal Atatürk”. Kapadoc is a UNESCO Heritage Site where we visited the village Goreme, Navshiru, Urgup (the theme “Turkish crafts - ceramics”, “UNESCO destination”, “culture and religion”). All activities took place in German.
On the last day of the project in Turkey, Romanian and Latvian pupils and teachers visited the Turkish family in the teacher's war house, met the Turkish family traditions and the household, and also tasted national food.
During the activities, meetings were also held with officials: provincial governor - Sedat Yildirim and Director of Education Department Uğur Atilgan. During the meetings, the participants expressed views on the importance of the project and shared the impact on the results obtained in the project.
It was the second memorable and impressive drive in the project, but there is still a lot of work ahead of us, preparing for the third cooperation partner meeting in October 2019 in Romania.
Mr Olga Missevich, Director of the High School
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