Improvement of the village park of Uļjanova, the placement of children's playgrounds and the construction of a holiday summer erection

Purchase identification number: RNP 2011/1ELFLA
Deadline for submission of tenders: 24 January 2011 at 12.00
Name and address of the contracting entity: Rezekne Municipality, Liberation Alliance 95, Rezekne, LV-4601
Subject of procurement: Improvement of the village park of Uļjanova, the placement of children's playgrounds and the construction of a holiday summer erection
Place of submission of tenders: Rēzekne District Municipality Sakstagala parish administration, hill street 2, in Signagala Sakstagala parish in Rēzekne municipality
Contact person: Olga Muraviova, tel. 64640550, e-mail:

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