Utrais Nikodema Ranana bolvys competition for Latgolys izcyluokajim pedagogy



On 13 September 2015, Rēzeknis High School (Rēzeknis Tehnologeju Academy) sadarbeib with Rēzeknis Latgale culturys bedziness (tan – Latgale culturys biddizziness), Kulturys ministreju, Izgleiteibys i zynuotnis ministreju, Dagdys, Rēzeknis, Ludzys i Aglyunys pošwaldeibom organized a pyrmuo N. Ranana competition nukums. Typewriter 28 nominants i 9 egiva N. Ranana bolva.
Itugod N. Ranana contest for iscyluokajim Latgolys regiona pedagogical nut is already an otter. In the contest, there may be a dasateikt in four nominaceae in the enclosed honour: the growling and the snap of the Latgale voludys, the culturally and the nupvoda vuiceibys Eve, and the parloivynuoshon shkolys/high uokuos in the īstuodis vuiceib/studic environment; for the invention of inovaceiom in the process of the production of dorba dynuoshonai and omotyiceib; for the debey of the younger teacher of myusdine and Roman peaks (teacher, whose dorba stays napuorsnadz Treis honey). Svareigi, kab dasacejuma paruodeita, that the teacher's darbeib is a bejuse Aktiva Tishni, 2-3 honor.
Bolva – sudobra pokowsaktu – daisy once honour, in September, await the work of the Catholic Honorary i pedagogy, the Latgolys pyrmuos atmdys, monsieur Nicodema Ranceys Dean. Skoluotuoju may be hosted by a cholys voi scolan (student) vadeiba, bedreib ci vacuoku armpit puorstuovi.
Tender nut i daylight questionnaire www.lakuga.lv, www.ru.lv i Latgale culturys biddizys in the new Satys animal: www.latgalisubidreiba.mozello.lv
These coluotuoes can be dawned by the 4 th round of the 4 th round.
The nanukovej i was a sou-lobuotooooooooooo.
Long Shuplinsky,
competition coordinator

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