A health-day event organisation service IN THE ESF project “live healthy in Rezekne District!”

“Purchase of the procurement of the Commission of 11.07.2017., the procurement has been terminated without a result as no tenders have been received.”
Purchase identification No: RNP 2017/33

Deadline for submission of tenders: 11.07.2017 to at 14.00
Name of the commissioning party: Rezekne Municipality
Subject of procurement: A health-day event organisation service IN THE ESF project “live healthy in Rezekne District!”
Place of submission of tenders: Release alley 95A, Rezekne, LV-4601
Contact person: Martin Kalva, tel. 29847719, e-mail: marite.kalva@rezeknesnovads.lv

Procurement by-laws
Decision on Termination of Procurement

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