XI School Song and Dance Celebration – also Rezekne municipality



In July 2015, there was AN XI Latvian school youth song and dance festival where 37 890 children and young people from all over Latvia were singing, dancing and playing together, including 16 collectors with more than 300 pupils from Rezekne municipality.

The festival was accompanied by two blower orchestra: Maltas parish orchestra, “Vicords” and Rēzekne municipality, and the pub orchestra of the Ivanova Rēzekne music secondary school, two choirs: Ilzeskalna girls' chorus and Dricānu, Maltas secondary school, and the Kalnzeru Catholic elementary school combined choir, six folklore sets: “Cookleite” from Lucia Rananes McKashan High School, “Liepiņa” from the main school, “Purineņš” from THE elementary school of Gaigalavas, “Rasnaviņa” from THE elementary school of Gaigalavas, “Small Rykova” from Gaigalavas secondary school, and six dance collectors: two dance collectors from Gaigalavas secondary school, and six dance collectors from Nautrēnu secondary school, and six dance collectors from Nautrēnu secondary school, and six dance collectors from Nautrēnu secondary school, and one dance collector from Nautrēnu secondary school, and one dance collector from Nautrēnu secondary school, and one dance collector from Nautrēnu secondary school, and one dance collector from Nautrēnu High School, and one dance collector from Nautrēnu High School, and one dance collector from Nautrēnu High School, and one dance collector from Nautrēnu High School, and one dance collector from Nautrēnu High School, and one dance collector from Nautrēnu High School, and one dance collector from Nautrēnu High School, and one dance collector from Nautrēnu High School, and one dance collector from Nautrēnu High School, and one dance collector from Nautrēnu High School, and one dance collector from Nautrēnu High School, and one dance collector from Nautrēnu High School, and one dance collector from Nautrēnu High School, and one dance collector from Nautrēnu High School, and one dance collector from Nautrēnu High School, and one dance collector from Nautrēnu High School, and one dance collector from Nautrēnu High School, and one dance collector from Nautrēnu High School, and one dance collector from Nautrēnu High School, and one dance collector from Nautrēnu High School, and one dance collector from Nautrēnu High School and ONE dance collector from Nautrēnu High School, and one dance collector from Nautrēnu High School, and one dance collector from Nautrēnu High School, and one dance collector from Nautrēnu High School, and one dance collector from Nautrēnu High School, and one dance collector from Nautrēnu High School, and one dance collector from Nautrēnu High School, and one dance collector from Nautrēnu High School, and one dance collector from Nautrēnu High School, and one dance collector from Nautrēnu High School, and one dance collector from 1TP

This year, the festival was a letter of letter (u), because the letter at the letter does not make any sound or words. Just summing up the real letters, you can say aloud, “the sound itself!” “Sandy!”, which was also the festival of the festival. The letter motives did not appear in the festival “APPLE...” where the living alphabet of the participants passed through Riga. Each municipality was notified by scandaling the words that characterize the municipality and all begin with the first letter of the municipality. The line “R” on the letter “R” was written by a specialist in the municipality of Rēzekne and the representative of the festival organ Aija Dundure.

Dawn roses in Razna.
The painted morning speaks.
Rick was in his hands.
The article rolls in Rogovka, Rikava - Rikava: “Rootoy, bitter …”
The rhythm of the autumn Romaku Ricky is rhythm:
"Roksta, ryuc ryuc,
roksta rubyns rubynoj,
Ray Ray Ray,
in the roksta, the roses, the ruins. '
Rupuz rōpoj rōcinu rynda.
The bitter bitter, the raibys rusty rusty writer.
Calm hands scroll through the rosary.
Growling in rye-flowers write rows for a busy morning.

XI School Song and Dance Festival in Photoms
Xi Student Song and Dance Celebration
Rezekne Municipality collectively XI pupil song and dance festival

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