THE VILNIUS MARKET will be held on 8 August

As usual, on the second Sunday of August, on August 8, THE traditional Viļānu market will take place IN Viļānos.
We inform you that trade will take place by one side of the street, taking into account the distance between the trading venues, as well as changing the plan of trading venues – the placement of the groups:
Food - Raiņa Street; craftsmen – flowers street;
Industrial goods – central street;
Plants, vegetables, farm products – Raina street along the stadium;
Used goods, details – stadium.
For trade participants only in writing when sending e-mail: location alignment:
- Properties: name, surname/firm name; p.k/reg. No./; address; phone No.
- Product group: food/industry/plant/used p ./amatniec p ./dz/etc.
- Electricity: yes/no
- Metrics: 3/6/9/12/15... m for each moonlight (August, September, October, November, December)
- (by providing a place for the transport of transport)
! By Thursday of the market week (5.08; 9.09; 7.10.; 11.11.; 9.12.), you will receive the approval approval and the trade/u numbers in writing. The alignment of places is retained for several months/markets if the application/co-ordination and approval indicate exactly months.
Please pay attention to:
- One trading venue is 3 m x 4 m.
- THE car, tents, the tables are BANNED in the Green Zone!
- Arrival at noon 6.00.
- Payment of the trade fee for each designated place with a transfer (match) or a cash day in cash.
- Trade IS PERMITTED only in areas agreed by administrators.
- In case of non-arrival of a trading participant (without informing) - the agreement of the trading venue is cancelled! As well as if the information requested by the organisers is not submitted in time!
- It is prohibited to attend and participate in trade with acute respiratory diseases as well as persons with self-insulation. Each trade participant shall be responsible for his or her trade area – the placement of indications regarding compliance with distance, the use of a disinfectant and compliance with other regulatory requirements!
- KEEP UP-TO-DATE INFORMATION - trade organizational issues and COVID-19 restrictions!
From at 7.00 to 14.00 Viļānu on the market vaccination against Covid-19. Vaccination is carried out without prior notification (live order) and is provided by the Rezekne Hospital in cooperation with local governments and the National Armed Forces.
Vaccination will be carried out with the “Johnson & Johnson” subsidiary, Janssen and “Pfizer”/“ BioNTech ”, Comirnaty. Vaccination must be accompanied by a personal identification document (passport or ID card), a grafting passport (if any), while in adolescents 12 to 13 years of age, the presence of a mother or father (or other legal representative) is required, as well as the following documents: the legal representative, passport or identity card, as well as proof of the child (entry for children's passport or birth certificate, or, if necessary, notarially approved token).
Street trade Viļānos occurs on the second Sunday of each month at 07.00-14.00 (this year - August 8, September 12, October 10, November 14, December 12)
Visit Trading traditions Viļānos, wish you a successful season!
Thank you for your collaboration!
Erica Jermanov,
Rēzekne municipality manages Viļānu associations
trade administrator
Phone: 24864734