The promotion “will support the school libraries of our municipality”


Biruta Zuyne

Biedrība “Playwright” asociā“cija” calls on the municipality to to fadeīt own drain school bibliographyēwhat, fetchāwinding biedrības issued play krātranslations (Latviešu Authorākās plays). The target audience of plays - children aged 9 years and younger.

In support of schools, country atStickdirty Finnēyou and thešValdība līpoisonousēyou are usually channelled to the purchase of textbooks, the provision of direct learning materials. In order to provide school libraries with the works of new Latvian authors, the association “playwright association” has issued a play stock in the amount of three books. During Christmas, the association invites entrepreneurs to support local schools - buy books that will be transferred to schools. The authors of the promotion emphasize that the play is one of the means that make up young people's confidence, language culture and ability to work in a team, learn dialogue, public speaking and speech-making skills. Play krāthey are usefulēyou kā mācību materiāLs for both latsšu languages and literatureūras stundās, both īto transform new Competencyēs bleedītheir curricula, both dažādās ārhalf hour activityātēs and intersšu inventītība pulseņos.

Proposed co-operation model: The entrepreneur acquires books (one book price - 8.00 EUR), indicates the school that he wants to support. When you reference a purchase, the books will be delivered to the school library.

Entrepreneurs who participate in the promotion will be included in the sponsor list, published on social networks, and the information will be sent to local media.

Informationātiger for biedrība “dramaturg asoci”ā“cija” available on website

If there is interest and vēleatingAhās piedalīto be acousticā, communicate with - Birdship Zujāni:

Biedrība “dramaturg asoci”ā“Management Board”šsēdētāif Christian Shtral Drake, +37127632070

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