Environment and tourism

Conclusion of a lease of industrial fishing rights

ResponsibleSenior Environmental Protection Officer
The formApplication Form
Brief descriptionAccording to the limit of the number of gear, the municipality divides a specific amount of limit to legal and natural persons (fishermen) when concluding an industrial fishing rights lease. The lease of industrial fishing rights for commercial fishing is closed for a period of 3 to 15 years, for self-consumption for 1 year.
Service availablewww.latvija.lv

Issuance of a permit (licence) for commercial activities in inland waters

ResponsibleSenior Environmental Protection Officer
The formApplication Form
Brief descriptionThe Senior Environmental Protection Officer of the municipality of Rezekne shall issue special permits (licences) for commercial activities in inland waters within the limits of the administrative territory of Rezekne. Regulation No. 1015 of CABINET Regulation No. 1015 “Procedures for Issuing a Special Permit (Licence) for Commercial Activities in Fisheries, as well as a State fee for the issuance of a special permit (licence)”
Service availablewww.latvija.lv

Organisation and supervision of licensed angling

ResponsibleSenior Environmental Protection Officer
The formFree form submission
Brief descriptionHarmonisation and approval of the licensed angling of bodies of water bodies (including private bodies of water bodies) and the issuance of fishing licences.
Service availablewww.latvija.lv

Publisko ūdenstilpju nomas līguma noslēgšana

ResponsibleSenior Environmental Protection Officer
The formApplication Form (for a natural person)
Application Form (for a legal person)
Brief descriptionRēzeknes novada pašvaldības 2023.gada 21.septembra noteikumi Nr.18 "Publisko ūdeņu iznomāšanas un nomas tiesību piešķiršanas kārtība Rēzeknes novada pašvaldībā" nosaka ūdenstilpju, tajā skaitā arī publisko, iznomāšanas kārtību un nomas tiesību izsoles principus Rēzeknes novada pašvaldībā. Lēmumu par ūdenstilpes nomu pieņem Rēzeknes novada dome. Ja uz konkrētas ūdenstilpes nomu ir pieteikušās 2 (divas) vai vairāk personas, ar vienādiem vai dažādiem izmantošanas veidiem, vai arī, ja izmantošanas veidi ir savstarpēji pretrunīgi, vai ūdenstilpi paredzēts izmantot komerciāliem mērķiem, ūdenstilpes nomas tiesību piešķiršanai, rīko ūdenstilpes nomas konkursu.
Service availablewww.latvija.lv

Medību tiesību nodošana pašvaldības īpašumā, valdījumā vai pārvaldībā esošajās zemēs

ResponsibleSpecialists in Land Rental
The formFree form submission
Brief descriptionMedību tiesību medīšanai Rēzeknes pašvaldības īpašumā, valdījumā vai pārvaldībā esošajās zemēs nodošana uz noteiktu laika periodu mednieku biedrībām, mednieku kolektīviem.
Service availablewww.latvija.lv

Issuance of a permit for the extraction of common mineral resources

ResponsibleSenior Environmental Protection Officer
The formApplication Form
Brief descriptionWidespread extraction of mineral resources permit, subject to the State Environmental Service, the limits specified by the administrative act, which grants the right to the addressee thereof to use subterranean depths and a certain time limits set in compliance with permit conditions.
Service availablewww.latvija.lv

Permit for felling of trees growing outside the forest

ResponsibleApvienības pārvalde
The formApplication Form
Brief descriptionRezekne District Municipalities Binding Regulation No 36 of 3 March 2022 “on tree felling outside the forest in Rēzekne municipality” determine the procedures by which tree felling shall be co-ordinated with local governments outside the forest land in the administrative territory of Rezekne, the procedures for public consultation of tree felling and the cases when public consultation is organised, as well as the procedures for calculation of compensation compensation regarding the reduction of natural diversity.
Service availablewww.latvija.lv

Review of the ban on cultivation of genetically modified crops

ResponsibleSenior Environmental Protection Officer
The formFree form submission
Brief descriptionEnsuring the safe movement of genetically modified organisms by preventing adverse effects on human and animal health or the environment while preserving biodiversity by promoting the development of sustainable agriculture and biotechnology, including the existence of genetically modified crops alongside organic and conventional agriculture. The local government shall take a decision to exclude the specific territory from the intended zone of prohibition of cultivation of genetically modified crops or to leave it, if the local government has received a written objection to the prohibition of cultivation of genetically modified crops.
Service availablewww.latvija.lv

Registration of assenizers

ResponsibleSenior Environmental Protection Officer
The formApplication Form
Brief descriptionFor the provision of decentralised sewerage services - the asenizer must register in the municipality of Rezekne, in accordance with the binding regulations of the municipality of Rezekne No. 51 “on the procedures for the provision and accounting of decentralised sewerage services in Rezekne municipality”.
Service availablewww.latvija.lv

Information on waste managers in the municipality

ResponsibleSenior Environmental Protection Officer
The formFree form submission
Brief descriptionInformation regarding the division of the municipal territory in municipal waste management areas and on the municipal waste manager, with which the local government has entered into a contract regarding the collection, transportation, transhipment and storage of municipal waste in the relevant municipal waste management zone, within one month from the day of the conclusion of the contract. Contracts for the collection, transport, transhipment and storage of municipal waste, which have been entered into by the producer or possessor of municipal waste and the manager of municipal waste who has not entered into a contract with the local government, shall cease to be in force within three months from the day when the local government has entered into a contract with the municipal waste manager regarding the collection, transportation, transhipment and storage of municipal waste in its administrative territory.
Service availablewww.latvija.lv

Distribution of tourism information

ResponsibleCultural and tūrisma Administration
The formNo form
Contact informationRezekne District Tourism Information Providers.
Brief descriptionInformation is provided on the supply of private and public tourism service providers in Rezekne (tourist accommodation, catering and entertainment services etc.).
Service availablewww.latvija.lv
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