Launching open project competition “Involving young people at risk of early school leaving in youth initiatives.”

The municipality of Rezekne launches a youth initiative project contest aimed at promoting the motivation of students who are at risk of neglecting school, increasing their motivation and their active involvement in the promotion of participation in daily life.
The project competition is implemented within the framework of the European Social Fund project “budpurs”, where it is possible to obtain EUR 4600 for the implementation of one project idea.
At the request of the Central Statistical Bureau, the training is carried out on average by one tenth pupil. The lack of education in most cases restricts the career opportunities of these people and leaves unresolved social and psychological problems which have a negative impact on their future lives. The studies carried out by the Ministry of Education and Science have shown the most frequent risks of children and young people leaving school: lack of motivation, learning and behavioural disorders, parental insufficient involvement, pregnancy, marriages, unjustified delays in learning, conflict in school, material conditions, health problems, job initiation etc., and in many cases, there are several factors that interact and complement each other in many cases.
Last year, the project “budpurs” was launched, in which students who are at risk of prematurely leaving school receive individual support (advice in subjects, psychologists and other specialists' support, reimbursement of catering expenses, etc.).
In addition to the activities mentioned above, including youth organisations, associations, foundations, there is an opportunity to contribute to reducing early school leaving by implementing youth initiative projects outside of schools through an informal learning approach.
It is recommended that the start of the projects be planned no earlier than in September 2019.
Such youth project competitions will be held twice a year by 2022 and will be organised by the municipalities involved in the “buds” project.
Objectives of the competition:
• increase the motivation of early school leaving risk group students to continue their education and promote their active participation in daily life.
• involve early school leaving risk groups in youth activities and youth initiative projects outside formal education, ensuring the availability of activities as close as possible to the lives and training of children and young people.
Deadline for submission of the project – 25 June 2019, at 15.00 In the municipality of Rezekne, release alley 95A, LV-4601, box 3.
Deadline for notification of results: results will be reported in writing by 25.07.2019.
Project implementation time from 3 to 18 months.
Project by-laws of the youth initiative
JIP Supplement 2-Attachment Project Submission
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JIP snape5-Attachment Criteria
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Information materials developed by the buds:
- Introductory video for youth initiatives for competitions:
- For video project applicants – “what should be taken into account in the preparation of the project?”
Aivars Mežatuch,
The co-ordinator of the project of the youth initiative of the municipality of Rezekne,
T. 22013477 e-mail
The European Social Fund project No “Support for the reduction of early school leaving” (budpurs) will be implemented by 31 December 2022. The target group of the project is students of general educational schools from classes 5 to 12, as well as students of vocational educational institutions from 1 to 4. The project is implemented by the State Service of Education Quality in co-operation with the city and municipality local governments and the State vocational educational institutions.
More information on the project: