Kaunatas parish council invites the leader of the People's House



Open invitation to tender for vacancy Kaunatas parish, head of the People's House. The applicant shall have the desired special education in the field of cultural management or art speciality, work experience at the relevant State or local government institution for at least 2 years, the knowledge of the official language at the highest level, as well as the knowledge of the desired one foreign language.

The applicant needs knowledge and skills: drawing up of the annual budget and annual event plan, organisation of independent work and work in the team, documenting creative and economic activities, co-operation in the implementation of cultural projects, organising and providing self-activity collective and cluster activities, promoting the accessibility of the service for visitors, planning and organising of parish cultural events, promoting the preservation of cultural values, good communication and cooperation capacities, skills at work with computer and office machinery, organisational and public speaking skills, ability to focus on the performance of duties in the regulatory documents necessary for the performance of duties. 

Remuneration OF basic work EUR 600,00, description of the position – found here.

A description of the professional activity (CV), a letter of motivation, a copy of the documents certifying education and work experience; and application questionnaire with reference to “TN manager's competitions” by 31 March 2021 at 16.00 send to e-mail: info@kaunata.lv or by post: Raznas street 38, Kaunata, Kaunatas parish, Rezekne novj, LV-4622. Contact information 64667000 or mob. 29224840. The evaluation of candidates shall be initiated no later than 3 (three) days after the expiry of the time limit for submission of documents.

The competition is organised in two stages. In the first round, the Commission shall assess the documents submitted by the applicants. For the second round, examination of theoretical and practical knowledge of applicants and work interview, tenderers whose documents submitted are in conformity with the tender shall be invited. in by-laws the requirements laid down.

The commencement of work is planned after the abolition of national restrictions on cultural institutions.

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