Waiting for pickups for Nicodema Ranana bolus



On September 26, 2022 (on September 13, the vacuo kalendars – 13 September), a total of 152 honourable Catholic gods i pedagogy, Latgolys pyrmuos atmdys, monsignor Nikodam Ranāns (1870 –1933). In order to win the youngest davity in Latgolys kultura i, Latgale culturys bidreib (LKB) idybynuojuse Nikodema Ranana bolva for Latgolys izcyluokajim pedagogy. The applicant's plaque on 29 August da 16 September. 

N. Ranana bolva was born in the honour of the genius pyrmsškolys tumynuotuojim, vyspuorejos i baseluotuojim, and the high-unoff i video for the professional vuiceib-based pedagogy for the germination in vuiceib dorba, the Latgaliskuos kulturys i tradiceju in the new generation. The number of nominations in six honorary honours is nado atschirigs, followed by the actualitatem invention. At the same time, Vynuotys is 4 nominacetate, Trais on the Latgaliskuo code saglobuchion i nudousons for the new generation, caturtuo – as a radar i psychologically atbolic vuiceib vuiceib in the production of the voi studju process. Vaira can be turned into a contest. 

The competition is organised BY LKB in sadarbeib with Latgolys Planavushonys regionu i Bolva Nuvoda pošwaldeib. The stubbornness of the nut will be Bolvuz, sweetheart, on 25 September. 

In the contest, i learned the lobuogue of the lobuooo, the teacher of the noodle, and knelt in the prestige of the prestige i atguodynout, how the snowy lips in the rotting process had been made. 

The competition is funded by Latgolys Planavuošonys Regions, Bolva Nuvoda pošwaldeiba, z/s “Kotiņi”, Informativi – “Local Latgale newspaper”, Latgale kulturys news portals lakuga.lv, Latvedev radio Latgolys studja.



Long Shuplinsky, LKB vadeituoya

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