Binding Provisions Projects

Saistošo noteikumu projekts „Par grozījumiem Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības 2011.gada 17.februāra saistošajos noteikumos Nr.52″

Publicēts 14.10.2011

Draft binding regulations “amending the binding regulations of the municipality of Rezekne No 14”

Publicēts 30.08.2011

Draft binding regulations “on additions to the binding Regulation No 1 of the municipality of Rēzekne of 1 July 2009 — By-laws of the municipality of Rezekne”

Publicēts 25.02.2011

Draft binding regulations on additions to the binding regulations of the municipality of Rezekne No. 14 ″

Publicēts 25.02.2011

Draft binding rules “on the benefits of the municipal aid for the municipality of Rezekne”

Publicēts 14.02.2011

Draft Regulation No 51 “on the consolidated summary of the basic budget and the special budget of the municipality of Rezekne for 2011”

Publicēts 14.02.2011

Draft binding rules amending the binding rules No 12

Publicēts 01.02.2011

Draft binding rules amending the binding rules No 12

Publicēts 12.01.2011

Draft binding rules “on the procedure for granting authorisation for the production of wine, fermented beverages or other alcoholic beverages”

Publicēts 12.01.2011

Draft binding regulations “on municipal waste management in Rezekne municipality”

Publicēts 12.01.2011

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