Apply for electronic real estate tax notification

The municipality of Rezekne calls on the local government to be responsive and register for the receipt of real estate tax payments electronically, helping to save both local government budgets and more environmentally friendly.

Šobrīd nekustamā īpašuma nodokļa maksātājiem maksāšanas paziņojumu elektronisku nosūtīšanu pašvaldība nodrošina divos veidos: uz e-pastu un uz e-adresi.

To log in for payment notification in e-mail:

  • nekustamā īpašuma īpašniekam portālā jāautorizējas, izmantojot internetbanku vai elektroniskā paraksta rīku;
  • in the “Real estate” section, “E-mail and SMS application” must indicate the local government, e-mail address, mobile phone number. If you specify a phone number, you can apply for reminders about the approaching of the pay period.
  • confirm the correct email address by opening the link in the email address confirmation notification.

Ja nav elektronisku auterizēšanās līdzekļu, iesniegumu elektroniskai maksāšanas paziņojumu saņemšanai var iesniegt Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības administrācijā vai jebkurā no pagasta pārvaldēm.

Should be taken into account!

  • If the relevant real estate taxpayer owns properties in different municipalities, each of them will have to submit a separate submission.
  • For the specified e-mail address, payment notifications will be sent until the taxpayer withdraws this submission, or a new submission will not indicate another e-mail address or another form of notification.

To receive a notice of payment of real estate tax in e-mail:

  • Izveido savu oficiālo elektronisko adresi jeb e-adresi portālā Ņem vērā, ka pēc e-adreses izveides visas iestādes arī citos jautājumos ar tevi sazināsies e-adresē, kā arī tev būs iespēja ar iestādēm saziņu turpmāk veikt e-adresē vai e-pakalpojumu lietotnēs. Iestādes zinās, ka esi izveidojis e-adresi, tāpēc pēc e-adreses izveides papildus darbības nav jāveic. 

Should be taken into account!

  • The payment notifications prepared by all municipalities will automatically be sent to e-mail for taxable persons with an e-address.
  • The e-address is the primary channel of official communication with state and local government institutions, so after activation of e-address, the mutual communication with state and local government institutions will take place in e-mail. This means that both national and local authorities will continue to be obliged to send information and documents to the activated e-address and the e-address activator will be obliged to communicate with the national and local authorities in e-mail.


No 2023. gada 1. janvāra e-adreses lietošana uzņēmumiem u.c. reģistros reģistrētiem tiesību subjektiem būs mandatory, thus practically excluding the transmission of payment notices addressed to this group in an envelope. The local government therefore calls on entrepreneurs not to delay the activation of e-mail in order to receive real estate tax notices on their properties in a timely and smooth manner.

There are questions about real estate tax!

We are invited to contact the tax administration of the municipality of Rezekne by teller. 64607188, 28668496, e-mail:, on-site customer acceptance days (Monday and Wednesday) 8.00 to 16.00) Rēzekne municipality in the municipal council building, release alley 95A, 3 rd floor, 36 th office.


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