Annual companies of Rezekne SEZ: veneer plywood production site VEREMS and metalworking company LEAX Rezekne



The annual award for the 2013 performance of Rezekne Special Economic Zone (RSEZ) for the 2013 performance was awarded to two RSEZ commercial companies – the veneer plywood production company “VEREMS” IN THE group of large/medium-sized commercial companies and metalworking company SIA “LEAX Rezekne” RSEZ in the small commercial company group. Several RSEZ companies have been awarded recognition articles on investment IN THE development OF RSEZ. The award was presented AT THE annual festive event OF RSEZ on 22 August 2014.
The annual prize of THE “RSEZ Special Economic Zone Board” OF the municipality of Rezekne is to welcome and honour the successful entrepreneurs, assessing the results of the previous year's activities, including the investments made in improving production, the amount of production produced, the amount of the exported production, the amount of taxes paid, etc.
RSEZ manager Sandra Ežmala: “RSEZ commercial company's annual prize event has already become an annual tradition to award the most successful RSEZ commercial companies and make a summary of the progress made in the previous accounting year. It is pleased that this year, THE number of commercial companies OF RSEZ has increased to 17, and new commercial companies have also emerged. 2013 overall has been successful FOR RSEZ commercial companies – new and significant investment projects have been introduced, increased number of jobs, new export markets have been acquired and only wish that 2014 is even more successful."
FOR the veneer plywood production site “VEREMS”, RSEZ SIA awards are awarded in several nominations – “annual producer”, “largest taxpayer”, “annual investment”, annual innovation ”,“ fastest growing company ”,“ largest exporter ”. The turnover of THE company“ VEREMS ”in 2013 exceeded 17,451 million lats, a large amount of investments IN THE ̧ of RSEZ uzn – a total of 5.367 mln lats, a ̌ expanded ̌ of the ̌ n ̧ a raz ̌, a buzzer, in addition to the raz ̌, 4 000 square meters area, and an improved raz-̌ product – be – rza's plunge of radicals, etc. The company is the largest employer from all RSEZ companies and employs more than 320 employees. In taxes last year, the company paid more than 1.3 million lats.“ VEREAM ”is also considered as a successful co-operation partner and THE RSEZ commercial company's annual prize competition received a recognition article on cooperation with Rēzekne Municipality, responsible social partnership, mecenatism and cultural support.
In contrast, the metalworking company SIA “LEAX Rezekne” RSEZ awards are awarded in nominations “annual producer”, “largest exporter”, “annual investment”, “fastest growing company”, “largest taxpayer”. “LEAX Rezekne” represents one of THE LEAX Group metalworking companies in Latvia. In 2013, LEAX Rezekne produced a production of 7.362 million lats, which was almost completely exported to the European Union countries. In 2013, the company invested more than 1.2 million lats, installed metal hardening furnaces, post-processing equipment and a modern metallurgical laboratory. As a result of the expansion of the plant, 20 new jobs have been created in the company, with more than 130 employees now employed in the company. RSEZ's commercial company “LEAX Rezekne” received a recognition article on responsible social partnership and promotion of employment.
For the wood pellet production company “NewFuels”, RSEZ SIA in the group of large/medium-sized commercial companies is awarded in several nominations – 1 st place in the nomination “largest exporter”, 2 nd place in nominations “fastest growing company”, “annual producer”, “largest taxpayer”, “annual investment”. A production of 4.682 million lats was produced in the company, the wood pellets were exported to Scandinavia and the European Union countries. “Newfuels” produces ecological products, taking into account all sustainability criteria, environmental and human-friendly farming principles, attested by the certificates of internationally recognised accreditation bodies, which allows the company to acquire new market outlets. THE RSEZ company's annual prize competition “NewFuels” RSEZ was awarded a recognition article on socially responsible entrepreneurship.
“Rezekne Dzirnavnieks” RSEZ AS – grain elevator – annual prize competition is rated as “annual service provider” – 1 st place in nomination, “largest taxpayer” and “annual investment” – 2 nd place in the nomination in the small commercial company group. “Rēzekne Dzirnavnieks” last year provided Elevator, production and free customs area services in the amount of almost 1.5 million lats. RSEZ's commercial company's annual prize competition “Rezekne Dzirnavnieks” RSEZ IS awarded a recognition article on responsible social partnership and mecenatism.
For beer production company SIA RSEZ “DFD”, the group of small commercial companies is awarded a recognition article in nominations “annual innovation” (1 st place) and “annual producer” (3 rd place). In addition, the company is also rewarded for the development of quality, diverse production and the promotion of the city of Rezekne. In 2013, the total volume of ̌ and quasi-̌ in the company was 543 tu. kst. The most popular product of the company is “Rēzeknes bryuvers”, “DFD” has also started to produce an expandable quasi-production, which is a naturally fermented, unfiltered product that has inherited high popularity among purchasers, and it is planned to install quasi-pasteurisation equipment in the future.
For the machine-building company REBIR, RSEZ HAS been awarded a recognition article in the following nominations: 1 st place in nomination “annual service provider”, 2 nd place in nomination “largest exporter”, 3 rd place in nomination “annual producer”, “largest taxpayer” and “annual investment” in the group of large/medium-sized commercial companies. The amount of services provided by the company last year is 1.927 mln lats, the production is exported mainly to Russia and CIS countries. 86 employees are employed in the company.
Manufacturer OF ropes and cables RSEZ “MAGISTR-FISCEVEGN GROUP”. “MFG” SIA received prizes in the following nominations (2 nd place in the nomination “largest exporter”, “annual producer” and “fastest growing company”, 3 rd place in the nomination “largest taxpayer” in the small commercial company group this year.
Recognition articles in the group of small commercial companies have also been allocated to THE production company RSEZ “REDIUS” OF gas burners and regulators in SIA nominations “largest exporter” and “producer of the year”, the wholesale service company EsJu in RSEZ SIA nomination “annual service provider”, the production room developer “MB Properties” in RSEZ SIA nominations “annual service provider” and “the fastest growing company”, as well as the warehouse service company “NORDKOM” IN RSEZ SIA nomination “annual investments”.
In total, 11 commercial companies were awarded THE annual Awards of RSEZ commercial companies for 2013 performance indicators.
Last year, the award for the 2012 performance was awarded to “NewFuels” RSEZ SIA in the group of large/medium-sized commercial companies and SIA “LEAX Rezekne” RSEZ in the small commercial company group.
THIS year, THE RSEZ Commercial Companies Evaluation Commission had delegated representatives from THE RSEZ Supervisory Council, THE RSEZ business Commission and THE RSEZ administration. Applicants were also nominated by the city council of Rezekne, the Rēzekne municipality council and the Rēzekne business association.
Regarding the special economic zone of Rezekne:
The special economic zone of Rezekne was established in 1997 with the aim of promoting trade, developing industry and traffic, as well as exports and imports of goods through Latvia, attracting investments for the development of production and infrastructure and the creation of new jobs. THE laws of the Republic of Latvia and other laws and regulations shall be fully applicable in THE territory OF RSEZ. Special provisions FOR RSEZ commercial companies are laid down in accordance with the “Law on the Special Economic Zone of Rezekne”, the Law on the Application of Taxes in Free Ports and Special Economic Zones. CAPITAL companies registered IN RSEZ may receive both direct tax discounts (real estate tax, corporate tax) and indirect tax relief, forming free zones in THE territory OF THE RSEZ, as well as making investments. Initially, the period of operation of the Rezekne Special Economic Zone was set until 2017, but on 14 March 2013, the Saeima adopted amendments to the Law on the Special Economic Zone of Rezekne and on 4 April 2013 amendments to the Law on the Application of Taxes in Free Ports and Special Economic Areas, stipulating that tax incentives FOR RSEZ will be applicable until 31 December 2035. THE total area OF RSEZ is 1155 ha, which includes the administrative territory of the municipality of Rēzekne and Rezekne, Griškana and Ozolaine parish. THE status of RSEZ's commercial company is currently allocated to 17 companies, including two companies this year.
Other information:
Christine Seņkāne, PI “RSEZ Board” external communications organizer
Tel. 64625941, e-mail address:, 
Prepared by: Skaidrite Baltace, PI “RSEZ Board” public relations consultant
Tel. 29444334, e-mail address:
Foto: M.JustsFoto: A.RancāneFoto: A.RancāneFoto: A.RancāneRSEZ Uzraudzības padomes locekle, Rēzeknes novada domes priekšsēdētāja vietniece Elvīra Pizāne (centrā) ar Rēzeknes novada pašvaldības no minēto uzņēmumu pārstāvjiem SIA Leax Rēzekne vadītāju Gintu Jačuku un SIA Verems finanšu direktori Zinaīdu Lovniku minētajiem

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