On November 10, the film “Like Land” will take place in Latgale.
10 November at 18.00 In Latgale embassy “GORS”, in Rezekne, waiting for Latvia's public holidays, Latgale premiere will be held for the documentary film “Likteland”. It is a story of a family search road that brings Peteri and Helen to Siberia.
During the Second World War of the Second World War, the legendary Latgale Promethea Prometeja Andris Juris was cruelly divided as a result of two superpower struggles. As they escaped from the Communists, the middle generation moved to the west with their children. The older generation remained in Latvia, but Stalin's repression was sent to Siberia as People's enemies. Part of the rade managed to survive in Latvia.
In the three worlds, the post-war generation of the family had not met each other. But by watching the documentary film “eternal calendar” in America, Peter recognizes Latvian relatives on the screen. The ideal leader of his parents and legendary ancestors, Peter and his sister, Helen, go to Latgale to meet them. The beginnings of the family search lead them to the region of Tomsk in Siberia.
Film message
Emigration and immigration. Topical topics around the world. The war-raged Middle East forces millions to risk their lives both in their home and in dangerous boat trips to seek asylum in Western Europe. On the other hand, Eastern Europeans emigrate to Western Europe looking for jobs and a better economic life. This leads to a shocking population decline in the country. Politicians must seek to reduce the crisis in both directions. Countries are going to close borders and set up barriers to migrants.
For the last time, the world experienced such a high level of immigration 70 years ago, i.e. During the Second World War, when millions of people in Eastern Europe were forced to leave their homes to avoid the occupation of Soviet power. Millions of people from Soviet land were deported to the Gulaga in Siberia to work as slaves in labour camps in inhuman circumstances.
What happened to these emigrants and deported? What happens to their children and grandchildren? Where are they and what are they now? What do they call their home and what is their culture? Will they ever return to the dungeon where the Soviet occupation is over 25 years ago?
The documentary “Like Land” examines these issues by tracking the fate of one Latvian family, which was darkened by both emigration and deportation during World War ii.
Before World War 2, Latgale was a peaceful and calm rural region, with its unique set of Latgalian languages and Catholic values. Since the beginning of the 20.gs s, the Latvian cultural icon was Andris Jurjs, also known as Latgale Prometejs, as being a persistent man of all his long life trying to bring a long light to Latgale farmers by writing and rewriting books covering religious, folklore, musical, agronomic, humor and practical advice. He helped publish the first Latgalian newspapers in the region, and in the time of the Latin printing ban, he wrote large volumes of mushrooms, but by doing this work he lost his vision and spent his age blind.
The film documents the descendants of Andris Juris, when they visit Latgale for the first time and find relatives in Siberia, the area of Tomsk. Peter and Helen Ragaush are first-generation Americans born to Latgalian parents. One grandfather, Cybuļski, was the grandson of Andris Jurdis, and was forced to start his long emigration trip in 1943, when the red army attacked and burned his mother's village. His second grandfather and his family were brutally deported to Siberia in 1949. On the night of 25 March with other 40.000 innocent Latvians.
She was born in Alexandrovskoje, Siberia, and her parents moved back to Latgale in 1950 when she was only two years old. Jelena and Veronica (Ragaush) are born in Alexandrovskoje and still live in the region of Tomsk. Cousin and cousins met for the first time in the summer of 2015 in Tomsk.
Director and script Janis Ozolins-oak
Andrejs Verhoustinskis, Uldis Jancis
Composer Guntra Kuzmina
Producer Vilniellis
Film studio RIA
The information was prepared by:
Vilnius Kalnaellis
Film studio RIA