Weekend - Latgale Podnieku Day 2017



At the end of April, for the 37 th time, we are invited to survive the traditions of Latgale pottery days. The podiers' days are the meeting of ceramics and their work fans, they combine all the men of Latgale clay – those who have been trained in schools, podiers who have learned the skill of an old master, and those who are trying to get acquainted with the characteristics of the clay in self-training. The events of Latgale pottery days will begin on April 19, when in Rogovka, the Jura Soikana Ludza art school AT Nautrēnu, the creative contest of the visual art and ceramic clusters of Latgale will be held in Latgale municipality.

The big hat of the daylight day will be buried in a premature eternity in the Podniekos workshop of Peter Gailums. On the other hand, Ilzeskalna in the People's House 28 April to 11 May  will be visible P. Gailuma ceramic exhibition from private collections. The exhibition will be able to see working days from 9.00 to 15.00 On April 28, the exhibition will open up to at noon due to the killing of the baker in Podniekos. 20.30, but on Saturday, 29 April from 9.00 - 12.00.
More on Latgale Focus Day events – IN PROGRAM

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