Audriņu primary school students go excursion to Krustpils Castle and mushrooms



As a result of the “Latvian School Finish” initiative, on May 3, THE Audriņu primary school students had the opportunity to visit Krustpils Castle and mushrooms.
We started with the mushrooms in the past. We were met by nice museum workers who introduced ancient Latvians, its buildings, work tools and occupation. A large interest in pupils was caused by two hundred-year-old mills. Children could practically operate with water-wear, nails, butter threshing, grain milling and participate in exciting competitions – fish catching and orientation in the museum area.
With great interest and enthusiasm, the students listened to the music of the museum in the story of the history of the paper, then learned how to prepare the paper. In the creative workshop, the pages of his paper, children could be decorated by the addition of leaflets, straws and herbs of different flowers, but after the paper was ready for students to look at the paper that had already dried up and ready for use, and try how to draw on such a natural-friendly paper. After a well-done work, the pupils were able to treat a warm herbal tea and a coarse bread, which would sustain the thrown butter itself.
In the past, our excursions continued with the visit of Krustpils Medieval Palace. The Employee was very interested in telling the lives of the people of the castle in ancient times, showing the governess's room. The pupils mentioned the use of different household items. The great thrill of the pupils was by climbing into the cellar of the castle and listening to the legend of the ghost of the castle, a girl who was enclosed in the walls of the castle. While there was a renovation work in the palace, the students had the opportunity to climb into the tower of the castle, from which he could see the panorama of Jacob.
As a result of excursion, students had the opportunity to participate in the creative “soap workshop”. Before they were given the opportunity to make soap, the museum employee said about the soap ingredients and looked into the history of soap-making - we found interesting facts about the traditions of our ancestral soap cooking and the purpose of their use.
The children were willing to work practically, making soap pieces with the plants they chose, which they had previously tried to recognize after petals and scent, such as jasmine, bite, bite, peppermint etc. The pupils had an unspeakable joy of the final result - aromatic and beautiful soap pieces that could be taken and cheered by parents.
The excursion was surprisingly interesting, and the sight of the pupils was expanded. The children returned to their home and asked, “When are we going?”
Audriņu primary school teacher Dace Vasilevska
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