Childhood festival IN Stružānu civil parish



Swings, sandboxes, skates, toys full of shelf, and, of course, Momma's favorite embrace, Daddy's strong hands, permission to small nonsense, or, in one word, CHILDHOOD! What can be more beautiful than this carefree time? In such good mood as the closest people and friends, there was a celebrated celebration of childhood.
The celebrations of childhood IN Stružānu parish have become a rooted tradition for several decades, when the parish-living four-year-old with their parents, parents and friends gather on a warm-up event. 8 children were celebrated this year – Paula Igaune, Richard Kukuran, Arnita Mazure, Anna Mironova, Victoria Pleanova, July Roslova, Mark-type and Elina Burova.
In the musical theatrical performance, the sunlight and his mother, THE CN children's vocabulary “Circenites”, and the children's dance group, “pearls”, cheered the small gavelists with scandalous songs, attractive dances. There was no gifts, of course, for which THE parish administration OF Stružānu had been taken care of. The girls gifted soft toys – very sympathic bears, and guys like guys – tractors with trailers.
The crossparents of every gavelin swayed in the swing of childhood. Local businessmen, SIA “Karina”, SIA “Ville” and SIA “SlavAnne”, had taken care of the sweets parcel. Sincere thanks to them for the sweet pleasure!
After the event in the cultural house, both the gifts and all the other children were able to jump out in the big inflatable amusement, which was provided by Rich Store, as well as a trick of the “autumn foal” horse in a horse carpet, obediently drawn by the noble horse Malboro. Outdoor activities took place in the stadium.
The festival needs to be large and small, because it is the unifying element among his and her friends, these are positive emotions and memories in the long term. For the pleasure of the festival to warm the little hearts for a long time, and that they always have enough of their own, the love and care of the closest people!
Leocadia Razgale
Photos from CN photo gallery archive
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