Berzgale primary school improved sports hall floor cover
Bērzgales primary school students have long chosen a volleyball game, so since 2013 the municipality of Rēzekne is developing a local youth sports school in the professional orientation of these sports. In parallel with the school sports hours of elementary school students, two sports schools, Trenynia Groups, continue to practice in this school year. In 1991, the wooden floor cover was physically deteriorated, so a contract was concluded in February 2020 for the implementation of the project “Bērzgales services IN Bērzgales primary school sports hall”.
The implementation of the project took place in the “implementation of activities of the rural development programme 2014-2020 financed by THE EAFRD in the territory of the Community Partnership Area OF the Rēzekne District Communities in accordance with the community-led local development strategy”. Eligible costs accounted for 31402,16 Euroof which public funding 28261,94 Euro and co-financing 3140,22 Euro the child of the municipality of Rezekne, a youth sports school, was provided.
The floor of the project was secured by a suitable base and covered by a certified synthetic linoleum sports floor cover of Gerflor Recreation. The surface of such cover ensures the visual appearance of the floor, the appropriate slider, surface hardness, and the base – elasticity and impact absorption.
Project manager Arnita Poisha
More information on the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development is available on the European Commission website: