The association “charge” launches the realization of the project “Dance Ping Latvia People's crown”

The association “charge” has started to implement the project “Dance Ping in Latvia's People's crown”, which was submitted to the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development for Rural Development of Latvia's rural development programme 2014-2020 “Implementation of activities under the community-led local development strategy”. The “charge” project is accepted within THE FRAMEWORK OF THE IMVA Strategy m2 Action “Development of Citizens' Initiatives, Lifelong Learning” (R.2 .2).
The aim of the project is to promote the popularity of the Latvian traditions and to promote the maintenance and development of dance joint traditions in the youth dance collective “Vimyns”, ensuring the availability of Alsunga uniforms, approaching the Latvian centenary festival and THE JDK “Vimyns” collective decade in 2018.
The eligible costs of the project are EUR 4998.51. Public funding OF EUR 4498.66, Feimaņu parish co-financing – EUR 499.85.
Alsunga People's Chats will be produced and delivered BY SIA “musturi” until November 1, 2018.
Chairman of the board of directors Guntis Tjarvja

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