Nature Tourism Route - Pleskava District - Latgale Region



Name of the route: “port of peace alongside nature”
Duration: 8 days
Route length: 663 km (LV) + 515 km (RUS), total 1178 km
Number of route objects in Latvia - 35 in Russia – 10
Nature is what is next to us every day. We live with nature on our shoulder, but at the same time we don't think about its uniqueness and its nature. It is beautiful, quiet, powerful and inviolable. By nature, you feel yourself and understand your feelings. A natural route – it is an opportunity to get out of the routine, to get out of the routine, to forget and make peace for a moment.
Nature Tourism RouteНазвание маршрута: “Cost of peace alongside nature” (“Тихая гавань на”)
Продолжительность 8 дней
Длина маршрута: 663 км (LV) + 515 км (RUS), итого 1178 км
Количество объектов маршрута в Латвии – 35; в России – 10
 Route name: “Peace of peace alongside nature”
Duration: 8 Days
Length: 663 km (LV) + 515 km (RUS), Total - 1178 km
The Number of Objects in Latvia - 35; Russia – 10

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