Erasmus + project participants visited Rezekne municipality



Continuing the activities of the Erasmus + project “networking of technology integration specialists in student interest education”, on 21 June the municipality of Rezekne was visited by teachers and project participants from Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Slovenia. The participants of the project took part in the league event with Rogovka ethnographic ensemble, attended Lūznavas Manor and Maltas High School.

A guest from Hademeste (Estonia), Kupiiski (Lithuania), Jonava (Lithuania), a representative from Maribor (Slovenia), as well as a guest of the Eastern Latvian creative service centre “Zeimuļs” and a representative of the association “angels with us” participated in the league event.

The Vice-President of the Rēzekne District Council, Ērika Teirumnieka, spoke: “Today is a magic time – today is the sunshine when the night is the shortest and the day – the longest. In the sun, we get the magic force out of nature. We are happy about being part of this project, it will allow learning from each other, gain experience, expand vision. "

 In the Erasmus + project “Establishment of a network of technological integration specialists in the education of pupils' interest education”, the external communications organizer of the municipality of Rezekne, Inta Rimšāne, provided an insight into the projects of the municipality of Rezekne, as well as in the operation of the existing project. The project manager thanked all Member States and assessed the timely execution of the project despite Covid-19. At the time of implementation of the project, taking into account all the prescribed safety measures for the limitation of the disease, both coordinator meetings and school masters were held in Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Slovenia, four to five day camps, each participating in approximately 70 participants. During the camps, emphasis was placed on the work of pupils in robotics, programming and technology.

The Erasmus + project “Establishment of a network of technology mainstreaming specialists in school interest education” provides opportunities for development, new experiences and ideas, as well as a contribution to education and the future. The aim of the project is to encourage teachers of non-school groups and lessons to use technology at work with school-aged children. By achieving the goals set by the project, teachers will be able to successfully teach pupils through the latest technologies. Materials and worksheets developed during the project for a more successful learning and working process. Following the completion of the project, schools participating in the project (Rēzekne municipality – Viļānu secondary school, Maltas secondary school, Gaigalavas primary school, Nautrēnu secondary school) will be able to purchase robots and technologies and further develop robotics, programming and technology skills for children.

On October 6, 2022, a project presentation will be held in the Eastern Latvian creative service centre “Zeimuļs”. The masters will participate IN Maltas secondary schools, Gaigalavas primary schools, Viļānu secondary schools and Nautrēnu secondary school working groups and their teachers, as well as project participants from Lithuania, Estonia and Slovenia.

For reference:

Project No 2020-1-LV01-077496 of the Erasmus + programme “founding the Network of Technology INTEGRAtionists in pupils' Informal Education” (establishment of a network of technology integration specialists in student interest education-LV) is co-financed by the European Union. Project partners: the municipality of Rezekne, the association “angels with us”, the Eastern Latvian creative service centre “Zeimuļs”, Häädemeeste Keskkool (Estonia), Kupiskis Povilas Matulionis progymnasium (Lithuania), Vaikų is the novimo visapusiško lavinimo centre, Jonava (Lithuania), Academia Družba za storitve d.o.o., Maribor (Slovenia).

Duration of the project: 1 November 2020 - 31 December 2022.

Prepared by Liana Runča

Photo: Eduard Medvedev

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