“Let's get to know Luban wetlands!”



On 25 February, at the centre of the development of water tourism, the events of THE RAMSAR Convention World Wetlands Day “We'll See Luban Wetlands” took place. The event was organised by the Nature Education Centre “Razna” and the regional administration of the Nature Protection Administration Latgale. Students from the Adamov special boarding school took part in the event.
In the event of the event, children had the opportunity:
1) to learn basic information regarding wetlands and marshes;
(2) clarify the main features and features of Luban wetlands;
3) to strengthen his or her knowledge in creative games;
4) to go to the terrace - watching birds in telescopes;
5) enjoy the slightly remaining winter joys on ice.
It must be acknowledged that this day, as in many places in Latvia, expanded the pasture and perhaps all the desired objects could not be seen, but, as the event manager and co-ordinator Regina Indriķe said, the idea of introducing children with Luban wetlands and its fantastic resources was excellent.
THE “lighthouse” expresses great gratitude for the nature conservation management and the “Razna” collector of the Nature Education Centre for close cooperation for several years, when it is possible to hear funny peaks and laughter in the “lighthouse” spaces, and to see the eyes of curiosity, introducing the fantastic nature of Latvia.
UTC “lighthouse” administration
Photo: Regina Indriķe
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