Information on “Aging in Comfort” (Senior Social Inclusion-LV)



LLI - 341 “Senior social inclusion”, acronym “Aging in Comfort”
Project No. LLI - 341 “Senior social inclusion”, acronym “Aging in Comfort” Interreg V-A Latvia – Lithuanian cross-border cooperation programme 2014-2020.
Īstenošanas laiks: 10.05.2018 – 09.11.2019 (18 mēneši).
Objective of the project: to improve the quality of social services provided by mobile brigades by providing home care and medical assistance to older people.
Brief description of the project 
The implementation of the project will improve local government social care services and infrastructure through a new approach to home care and self-help measures, thus providing comfort for ageing. In the framework of the project, theoretical training, cooperation and exchange of experience of mobile team specialists will be organised, as well as a training trip to the Falun region in Sweden. A manual for mobile team employees will be developed and specialised equipment for the provision of mobile brigades is purchased – four specialised vehicles and equipment sets. The target group of the project is 45 thousand elderly residents in the border region of Latvia-Lithuania – the former Daugavpils and Rezekne, as well as Utena and Molet (Moletai).
Within the framework of the project, it is planned to prepare 40 mobile team specialists and improve special equipment for mobile brigades for the provision of social service in four districts (Daugavpils, Rezekne, Utenas and Molet) and one municipality in local government (Ilūkste) in the border region of Latvia-Lithuania, thus offering home care to the seniors living in the 1300 project territory.
Total project costs: 449 029,21 EUR
Co-financing of the European Regional Development Fund (85%): 381 674,80 EURO
Municipality of Rezekne municipality: EUR 65 409.07
Financing of the European Regional Development Fund (85%): EUR 55 597.70
National co-financing (5%): EUR 3270,46
Municipal co-financing (10%): 6540,91 EUR
Project Partners 
Association Euroregion “Lakes Land” (lead partner)
Rēzekne City Council
Rēzeknes novada pašvaldība
Daugavpils Municipality Self-government
Municipality of Ilūkstes municipality
Utenas District Municipality Administration
Administration of the Paint District Municipality
Contact information
Project Coordinator Inta Rimshane, mob. +371 65476882
The content of this publication is fully the responsibility of the municipality of Rēzekne and is in no circumstances considered to be the official position of the European Union. 
Program website
Official EU website

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