Lūznavas Manor new exhibitions will see Dutch sculpture, Latgale painting and world postage stories



As a continuation of the summer event series, THERE are three new and different exhibitions in THE Lūznavas estate, which enjoy the Dutch sculpture, the paintings of Latgale artist and educational world and Latvian postage stories.
From 25 June to 31 July, THE exhibition “My village people” of the Dutch artist Jakomijn Steen (Jacomijn Steen) was seen in Lūznavas. It exhibits a group of fathers' works, a series of colorite portraits in which every person rendered has his own specific character and mood. The artist of the work groups “my village people” gave the Mark Rootko art centre, thanks to which the exhibition is seen in Luke-nava, after participating in I Latvia's international ceramic biennial. The exhibition is also supplemented and refreshed in 2017 by portraits composed by artists from various countries of the world during the Jacquomein Steen masterclass. On July 5, 19.00 will be the celebration of the exhibition as one of THE events of LATVIA's international ceramic biennial.
From July 1 to August 12, THE exhibition of the active Latgale artist association V.I.V.A. “between us...” is considered in Lūznavas Manor. In the association V.I.V.A., the creative spirit of four artists – early Rita emotional attitude and laconic expression, the energy of Ushmouse's energetic juice and the warm color tones, the compositions of the courage of the Lady Stupāne, the synthesis of the Ilze Griezanes. The artist and Lūznavas exhibit a stable friendship – the first was a meeting three years ago in early spring 2015, participating in a plenary session when Lūznavas manor opened its doors to visitors in a new, renowned look. The second meeting was the painting exhibition “blowing”, which took place in summer 2016. It will also be the third year that the artist will also participate in the art picnic. In THE Lūznavas manor, the exhibition “between us...” tries to cover the paintings of the artist at different times, revealing the author's own authors in the painting. These are the most often flower themes, landscape and man as a natural observer.
Similarly, from July 1 to August 12, a traveling exhibition “postmark stories” can be found in Lūznavas manor, which is to be viewed in collaboration with the Hungarian embassy in Latvia. Although the exhibition targets children, it will be interesting for visitors of all ages, as they provide a broad insight in the world of postage, both postage and postage stamps of Hungary and other countries of the world, as well as Latvian postage stamps, which are seen in the Hungarian stamp museum, which is discovered in the far-reaching 1930.
All exhibitions AT Lūznavas in Manor are held every day at the customs office between 10.00 and 18.30. Admission fees and exhibitions for adults are 1.50 €, and students, students and pensioners 1.00 €. More information on exhibitions and customs events http://luznavasmuiza.lv.
More information: Inga Drail
Head of the Luznava Manor Culture Project
29390701, 29473700
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