Prime Minister Krišjānis Kariņš: “we will be stronger from this crisis.”

On Friday, May 20, Prime Minister Krišjannis Kariņš went on a working visit to Rēzekne municipality.

During the working visit, K. Kariņš met the members of the Rēzekne council, heads of local government institutions and entrepreneurs, visited the metalworking company SIA “LEAX Rezekne”, the National Armed Forces base in Luznava and the guest house “svilpaunieki”, which currently gives shelters to Ukrainian refugees.

In meeting the people of Rezekne municipality in Rezekne Municipality's big hall, K. Kariņš described the current situation in the country, in the context of the Russian war in Ukraine, outlining the main aspects of the country's external security, the reorientation of the economy from Russia and the Belarusian markets, as well as the energy crisis and price increases, which are undeniably affected by the majority of the population. “Ukraine pays for this war with its lives, with ruined houses and cities, we pay inconvenience. The price increase for milk with what is happening in Ukraine cannot be compared. '

The Prime Minister strongly stressed that companies that have focused on the Russian market in their activities should be rearranged. “The action of the Russian government means that, in a foreseeable future, 5-10 years ahead, we can unfortunately, in all respects, forget about the Russian market. He's closed, he'll be closed. As it will evolve, it will not depend on us, but from the internal processes of Russia. This means that we now have a shift in the economy from trade with Russia and Belarus. 'Trade with these countries in the total Latvian market is 8%, the government has invested around 94 million euros in support of companies who will be prepared to search for new raw materials and outlets. However, the economy also shows positive trends in recent years: the decline in unemployment and the increase in investment. The Rezekne municipality also has successful companies using modern technologies and highly skilled workforce.“ We see it very well that there are skilled, very susceptible people in this municipality, and there are very active entrepreneurs who work and continue to work, and today i understand that in one company where i was, the challenge is only one thing to deal with the growing demand for production, ”- it, after the visit of the metalworking plant SIA“ LEAX Rezekne ”, highlighted Krišjānis Kariņš. 

“I believe that we will be stronger from this crisis. We have proved again and again, if we hold a cool mind in these crazy times, we will be able to deal with it. '

The Prime Minister met the National Armed Forces base at Luznava, where he met the National Guard 3. Latgale Brig-Gen Commander Gunar's visit and the 36 th Battle of the National Guard are supported by Oscar Omui. National security is currently topical as ever, and for these purposes the government has increased funding for up to 2.51 TP1T of the total budget, but the main is well-prepared, fierce and patriotic soldiers.  

At the end of the visit, Krišjana Kariņš looked at the guest house “svilpaunieki” at Luznava. There, the Prime Minister had a warm conversation with the Ukrainian refugee family, who grew up with special needs. In order to be able to study at the special primary school of Rezekne in Malta, a parish house is being repaired with the support of Rosentova Catholic parish. “You're such a small country, but we get so much support and concern from you,” said the family's mother with tears.

The Rēzekne municipality is currently hosting around 580 Ukrainian civilians in various locations. As K. Karins noted, on 25 May 2022 new cost conditions will enter into force, which will have to be taken into account by local governments in organising accommodation and catering for Ukrainian civilians. The aim of the changes is to ensure the provision of primary support to the most Ukrainian civilians as far as possible, while ensuring a reasonable and efficient use of national budget resources while encouraging their integration into the labour market. 

Prime Minister Krišjannis Kariņš thanked the President of the Rēzekne District Council, Monweed Schwarz, and said, “Latgale, like elsewhere in Latvia, is not missing people with ideas, fire and will. If there is a will, there is a chance. They must be used!"


Anna Rancāne

Photo: State Chancellery

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