Nikodema Ranana contest for iscyluokajim Latgolys regiona pedagogy



The 21 st round of the 21 st round has been announced by Nikodema Ranana's competition for iscyluokajim Latgolys regiona shkoluotuojim. The stubbornness of the noodle will be Preiļūs on 23 September.
N. Ranana competition bolva is an eidybynuojuse Latgale kulturys bidreib (LKB), a competitions reicuhoote atbolsta sold IN LKB sadarbeib with Rēzeknis Tehnologeju Academy (RTA) i Latgolys pošwaldeibom. The consolator of the competition is styprynuot pedagogical professor of prestige and atpazeistameib sabedy, earning the performances of iscylu in pedagogical darbeib, latvyskuos and Latgaliskuos kulturys tradiceju in the new generation.
The competitions ituous may be derived from the pedagogies already in the duccuos nominacetyos: 1) for the Latgale voludys, culturys viesturis, the nuvodvuiceibys popularizer in the Vuiceibu voi studju environment, 2) for the novativity metodicys in the apvuiceibys process, 3) for the myusdneliga and Roman peaks for the production of dorba tykuma, and for omo apvuiceib, 4) for the skeletal pedagogical debey (na for a teacher with 3 honorary trainees). The Peactuo nominaceja is a guojuse on the sluice of the Polish pedagogy lyuguum, the culturally of the Latvyskuos i latgaliskuos in the īstuodēs of pyrmsškolys. Vaira informaceuts can search for a competition Nulykuma. The dyspheric deitys dasaceys are expected to be awaited on September 12 (
Zynushone. The pyromous contest contest, Nutyka RTA, Beja 28 nominants, Utrais – Ludzys Tautys hire, number of competitions divided by 15; third – Viļānu Kulturys hire – 30 nominants nu 11 Latgolys pošwaldeib.
“I'm referring to i nataupit lobe vuordus shkoluojim, the honor of the honour of the god styprynoj Latvet, and the inspiration of the young generation.”
Long Shuplinsky,
competition coordinator
Tender by-laws

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