Seminar for biologically certified holdings



A significant change in the taxation of self-employed workers came in 2018. Representatives of organic certified holdings are invited to a seminar to be held on 14 February at 11.00 garden street 7a, Rezekne, seminar hall.
On the current changes in the calculation of personal income tax and the social insurance of self-employed persons, the seminar explanations will be provided by the accounting consultant Inara Latkovska, accounting adviser of the Latvian Centre for Rural Advice and Education. In order to promote the involvement of the population in economic activity and increase the availability of financial resources to performers of economic activities who operate or plan to commence activities in the agricultural, rural development or fisheries sector, the Ministry of Agriculture of Latvia, in cooperation with THE “development finance institution Altum”, has drawn up a draft regulation regarding conditions for granting loans to rural entrepreneurs and performers of fisheries economic activity. More information on the new draft Cabinet regulations will be told BY THE “development finance institution Altum” Head of Latgale region Vita Pučka. THE VSIA “certification and testing centre”, the main expert of the organic farming sector, will inform the participants of the seminar about amendments to the laws and regulations of 2018 and developments in biological certification.
Pre-application for a workshop - mandatory. The membership fee is eur 10,00.
Login and details of the seminar by calling or writing to the Rural Development advisor of the Latvian Rural Advisory and Education Centre for the Valija Jekimov, mob. 28373688, tel. 64625254, e-mail:

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