For more convenient and faster exchange of information and service with the Rezekne municipality, we recommend that electronic means be used.


The most secure and convenient way to communicate with national and local authorities is the official electronic address or e-address. It is a digital mailbox in Latvija.lv.
Whereas the use of e-address is a secure channel for the circulation, creation and later use of personal data and trade secrets; eID card, or eSignature map with card reader, or eSignature Mobile.
You can only receive mail from another e-mail address and send it only to another e-mail address. If you have Latvija.lv your e-address in the portal, the national and local authorities will then contact you in this digital mailbox, not in paper format to the declared address. 


You can also send electronically prepared documents to a local government to e-mail. The official e-mail of the municipality of Rezekne is info@rezeknesnovads.lv. The total allowable size of the files attached to electronic mail messages shall not exceed 10 megabytes.
You can request local government services electronically by signing a submission with a secure electronic signature.
In addition TO CABINET Regulation No 473 of 28 June 2005 "Electronic documents for the Preparation, Drawing Up, Storage and Circulation of State and self-government institutions, and the Procedures by which electronic documents between State and self-government institutions, or between these institutions and natural and legal persons'For the file formats referred to in paragraph 10, the local government shall also accept the following file formats signed with secure electronic signature: for design: DOC; for electronic tables: XLS; portable document format PDF.

Questions for Self-Government

We call for questions to Members of the Rēzekne council and local government employees, using the opportunity offered on the website: Ask the local government

E-service Latvija.lv: submission of a proposal, complaint, question or request

This e-service provides the submission of proposals, complaints, questions or requests to the local government electronically via the portal Latvija.lv. For example, you can submit a complaint regarding the action of a local government official or a proposal for improvement of municipal utilities.
Authentication is an option with both eID card, eSignature, eSignature Mobile, and bank-issued secure authentication features.
This e-service is not intended for submitting a service or submitting documents to an institution. For the application of specific municipal services, please use other channels (e-mail, e-mail, face-to-face, mail, telephone).
E-service is available in: portal latvija.lv

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