Construction work commenced in the municipality of Rezekne

Sākoties pavasarim, Rēzeknes novada Ciskādu ciemā sāk darboties būvfirmas „Latgalija” celtnieki, kuri ir piedāvājuši zemāko cenu būvdarbu veikšanai ūdenssaimniecības attīstības iepirkumā un sīvā konkurencē saņēmuši tiesības slēgt līgumu. Līdz augustam ciemā ir paredzēts pirmo reizi ierīkot centralizēto kanalizāciju un notekūdeņu attīrīšanas iekārtas, rekonstruēt ūdensvadu.

Projekts tiek īstenots ERAF atbalsta aktivitātē 3.4.1. 1. „Ūdenssaimniecības infrastruktūras attīstība apdzīvotās vietās ar iedzīvotāju skaitu līdz 2000”, paredzot Eiropas Struktūrfondu atbalstu 346 102,35 EUR, kopējās projekta izmaksas 492 686,88 EUR.

Overall, the implementation of the project will have a positive impact on the physical and anthropogenic environment of the Ciskskin village, reduce anthropogenic effects through the drainage to the Chetchora river, which is the tributary of the Rēzekne River, reduce the amount of pollution in the environment from environmental requirements for non-compliant stocktanks, which are the cause of eutrophication, eliminate potential sources of pollution, have a positive impact on the compliance of the environmental and nature protection requirements in the municipality of Sakstagala.

The reconstruction of the water pipeline will result in reduced drinking water leakage (losses of 52.41 TP1T, after project disposal – 32.61 TP1T), so that the amount of water used will decrease, the amount of water abstraction will decrease, calculated per consumer. The construction of a new artery and water preparation station will provide a quality water supply to the population of the village of Ciskad. The construction of sewerage networks and the construction of sewage treatment plants will result in waste water management in accordance with regulatory requirements.

The construction of sewerage networks will create preconditions for the elimination of septicians and savings vessels and reduce the number of individual sewerage septicians, thereby preventing potential surface water contamination by sewerage septic leaks.

The implementation of the project will have a positive impact on the image of the municipality as a whole and will make the business environment considerably more attractive and will improve the well-being and recreational opportunities of the population in the Ciscal village.

Olga Muraviova
Sakstagala parish administration manager

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