Rezekne's school students learn to get their dreams



On 22 and 23 March, Dricānu, Kaunatas, Maltas and Nautrēnu secondary students learn about career development and business start-ups in seminars organised by the Europe Direct Information Centre in Eastern Latgale. More than 80 participants actively engaged in seminars: drawing up their CVs and motivation letters, participating in simulation of the work interview, and learning to identify targets that would allow their dreams to be achieved.

On his experience and mistakes in establishing the company and hiring people, he was told by experienced lecturers-Riga Stradiņš University teacher and social scientists Dr. Tatjana Bogusvich and financier and businessman Arthur Geisari.

After the seminars, the participants acknowledged that there was a lot of new knowledge. Victoria Kvjatkovska (Kaunatas High School) and Imalda Kazusheva (Dricānu High School) said that the pupils had the most liked to participate in the “real” work interviews, where they had to respond to hostile questions, and to learn to maintain peace and confidence in their abilities in very unusual situations. “I don't need to talk to people who want to convince me that i can't.” Today, you can get any work if you just have a clear goal and wish to achieve it ”, emphasizes Victoria Kvjatkovska. Liana Zelina (Kaunatas High School) and Victoria Samule (Dricānu High School) believe that their goals can be determined by writing a letter to themselves and imagining themselves after 10 years.

Lectore Tatjana Bogusvich, who has also developed a youth career development video for “Start strong”, said that in all four schools in Rezekne, young people have an interest in not only getting a good job but also setting up their own businesses. Before that, we must ask ourselves an important question: “would i like to take myself into work?” “If the answer is yes”, then you can start thinking about starting your business. The new businessman, Arthur Geisari, was delighted by THE enthusiasm and curiosity OF Maltas high school students, calling for both his own experience and the discussion of youth business ideas.

It should be added that any interested party may consult the “Start strong” video course, which has been prepared with the support of THE U.S. embassy and the Riga International Economy and Business Administration School, at the following Internet addresses: and

For reference: “Europe Direct Information Centre in Eastern Latgale” is located in the building of the municipality of Rezekne. This allows citizens to obtain the necessary information and contact the European Commission in the vicinity of their place of residence.

Cynthia Batare,
Rēzekne Technology Academy Student

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